Date: 1745
"The Ideas must be cloathed in a bodily Form, to make it visible and palpable to the gross Understanding."
preview | full record— Fordyce, David (bap. 1711, d. 1751)
Date: 1745
"We are told by Philosophers, of no small Note, that the Mind is, at first, a kind of Tabula rasa, or like a Piece of blank Paper, that it bears no original Inscriptions, when we come into the World,--that we owe all the Characters afterwards drawn upon it, to the Impressions made upon our Senses...
preview | full record— Fordyce, David (bap. 1711, d. 1751)
Date: 1745
"As little would I agree with those Philosophers Constant mentioned, that the Mind resembles a Leaf of white Paper."
preview | full record— Fordyce, David (bap. 1711, d. 1751)
Date: 1745
"I would rather compare it [the mind] to a Seed, which contains all the Stamina of the future Plant, and all those Principles of Perfection, to which it aspires in its After-growth, and regularly arrives by gradual Stages, unless it is obstructed in its Progress by external Violence."
preview | full record— Fordyce, David (bap. 1711, d. 1751)
Date: 1745
"The infant Mind is ductile like Wax; you may stamp a fair or ugly Impression upon it, Error or Knowledge, Indolence or Application, Virtue or Vice."
preview | full record— Fordyce, David (bap. 1711, d. 1751)
Date: 1745
"And, in my Opinion, we have as much need of the Hand of Culture to call forth our latent Powers, to direct their Exercise; in fine, to shape and polish us into Men, as the unformed Block has of the Craver or Statuary's Skill, to draw it out of that rude State, into the Form and Proportions of a ...
preview | full record— Fordyce, David (bap. 1711, d. 1751)
Date: 1745
"The body is but the house; the soul is the tenant that inhabits it; the body is the instrument; the soul the artist that directs it."
preview | full record— Mason, John (1706-1763)
Date: 1745
"It was He that placed thee in this body, as in a prison: where thy capacities are cramped, thy desires debased, and thy liberty lost."
preview | full record— Mason, John (1706-1763)
Date: 1745
"'I am too noble, and of too high a birth,' saith that excellent moralist, 'to be a slave to my body; which I look upon only as a chain thrown upon the liberty of my soul.'"
preview | full record— Mason, John (1706-1763)
Date: 1745
"That lies veiled from the eyes of our mind; and the great God hath not thought fit to throw so much light upon it, as to satisfy the anxious and inquisitive desires the soul hath to know it."
preview | full record— Mason, John (1706-1763)