Date: 1744
"Holiness elevates the worth of the being in which it is, and is of more value than the being itself. As in scarlet, the bare dye is of greater value than the cloath."
preview | full record— South, Robert (1634-1716)
Date: 1744
"That is to say, we think there is no Way hitherto laid down for preserving the Vigour of the Body, and thereby securing such a Supply of animal Spirits as may support the Dominion of the Soul in its full Extent and Activity, so feasible as this, which is suggested to be the Source of the Longevi...
preview | full record— Campbell, John (1708-75)
Date: 1744
"The first Man knew them by his Reason; but it was this same Reason that blotted them again from his Mind; for having attained to this Kind of natural Knowledge, he began to mingle therewith his own Notions and Ideas."
preview | full record— Campbell, John (1708-75)
Date: 1744
"The Preservation of Life, the defending the human Body from Decay, and of rendering it a fit Tenement for the Soul to inhabit, in that Season in which she is most capable of exerting her noblest Faculties, are grave and ferious Subjects; with which no trivial Matters ought to mingle."
preview | full record— Campbell, John (1708-75)
Date: 1744
"These are the Exercises of the Understanding, and in these, as in a Chariot, the Soul takes the Air; while I am capable of these, I don't give myself much concern about bodily Decays, I am always at the Command of my Friends attend the Service of the House frequently, and distinguish myself in D...
preview | full record— Campbell, John (1708-75)
Date: 1744
"I do verily think there is not any other medicine whatsoever so effectual to restore a crazy constitution, and cheer a dreary mind, or so likely to subvert that gloomy empire of the spleen (Sect. 103) which tyrannizeth over the better sort (as they are called) of these free nations, and maketh t...
preview | full record— Berkeley, George (1685-1753)
Date: 1744
"That philosopher [Aristotle] held that the mind of man was a tabula rasa, and that there were no innate ideas."
preview | full record— Berkeley, George (1685-1753)
Date: 1744
"And notwithstanding the tabula rasa of Aristotle, yet some of his followers have undertaken to make him speak Plato's sense."
preview | full record— Berkeley, George (1685-1753)
Date: 1744
"As the body is said to clothe the soul, so the nerves may be said to constitute her inner garment."
preview | full record— Berkeley, George (1685-1753)
Date: 1745
"Truth is an amiable and delightful Object to the Eye of the Mind, but it is not easily apprehended by the Bulk of Mankind; especially if it be remote from common Observation, or abstracted from sensible Experience."
preview | full record— Fordyce, David (bap. 1711, d. 1751)