Date: 1730
"Were I able to dress up several thoughts of a serious nature, which have made great impressions on my mind during a long fit of sickness, they might not be an improper entertainment for that occasion."
preview | full record— Addison, Joseph (1672-1719)
Date: 1730
"The gracious Author of our Being hath therefore so formed us, that we are capable of many pleasing sensations and reflections, and meet with so many amusements and solicitudes, as divert our thoughts from dwelling upon an evil, which by reason of its seeming distance, makes but languid impressio...
preview | full record— Addison, Joseph (1672-1719)
Date: 1731
"It must needs follow from hence, that Knowledge is an Inward and Active Energy of the Mind it self, and the displaying of its own Innate Vigour from within, whereby it doth Conquer, Master and Command its Objects, and so begets a Clear, Serene, Victorious, and Satisfactory Sense within it self."
preview | full record— Cudworth, Ralph (1617-1688)
Date: 1731
"And first of all, that the Soul is not a meer Rasa Tabula, a naked and Passive Thing, which has no innate Furniture or Activity its own, nor any thing at all in it, but what was impressed on it from without."
preview | full record— Cudworth, Ralph (1617-1688)
Date: 1731
"That the Intelligent Principle, or Soul, resides in the brain, where all the Nerves, or Instruments of Sensation, terminate, like a Musician in a finely fram'd and well-tun'd Organ Case; that these Nerves are like Keys, which, being struck on or touch'd, convey the Sound and Harmon...
preview | full record— Cheyne, George (1671-1743)
Date: 1731
"The Mind is a meer tabula rasa, originally without any Impression, Stamp or Character whatsoever, (unless we'll suppose it the same with Brutes) but capable of any, and most apt to receive the first that offers, till external Objects furnish it with distinct Ideas, and from thence ...
preview | full record— Anonymous
Date: 1731-2
"It is a kind of annihilation to have our minds made a tabula rasa, and to date our existence from a new period."
preview | full record— Jortin, John (1698-1770)
Date: 1731
"Feeling is nothing but the Impulse, Motion, or Action of Bodies, gently or violently impressing the Extremities or Sides of the Nerves, of the Skin of other parts of the Body, which by their Structure and Mechanism, convey this Motion to the Sentient Principle in the Brain, or the Musician."
preview | full record— Cheyne, George (1671-1743)
Date: 1731
"For those Ideas of Heat, Light, and Colours, and other Sensible things, being not Qualities really existing in the Bodies without us, as the Atomical Philosophy instructs us, and therefore not passively stamped or imprinted upon the Soul from without in the same manner that a Signature is upon a...
preview | full record— Cudworth, Ralph (1617-1688)
Date: 1731
"And therefore it [the soul] is not present with it only as a Mariner with a Ship, that is, meerly Locally, or knowingly and unpassionately present, they still continuing two distinct Things; but it is vitally united to it, and passionately present with it. And therefore when the Body is hurt, th...
preview | full record— Cudworth, Ralph (1617-1688)