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Date: 1727

"It is without Doubt, that Fancy and Imagination form a world of Apparitions in the Minds of Men and Women; (for we must not exclude the Ladies in this Part, whatever we do) and People go away as thoroughly possess'd with the Reality of having seen the Devil, as if they convers'd Face to Face wit...

— Defoe, Daniel (1660?-1731)

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Date: Friday, February 1727

"The strongest Arguments leave no Impression on his Mind, and the clearest Truth has no Charms in his Eyes."

— Caleb d'Anvers [pseud. for Nicholas Amhurst, Henry, Viscount Bolingbroke, and William Pulteney, Earl of Bath]

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Date: Friday, February 24, 1727

"IT is an old established Maxim in Politicks, that a true-bred Statesman should have no private Passions; that is, He ought to be a Man of such a sedate, steddy, and determined Temper, that he may not be interrupted, in the Conduct of his Schemes and the Pursuit of his Interest, by those light an...

— Caleb d'Anvers [pseud. for Nicholas Amhurst, Henry, Viscount Bolingbroke, and William Pulteney, Earl of Bath]

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Date: Friday, February 24, 1727

" Nay, some grave Reasoners and Refiners upon this Subject have gone farther, and maintain'd that a stanch Politician ought not only to be exempt from Intemperance, Effeminacy, and other common Frailties of human Nature; but should also enfranchize his Mind from the Dominion of what are commonly ...

— Caleb d'Anvers [pseud. for Nicholas Amhurst, Henry, Viscount Bolingbroke, and William Pulteney, Earl of Bath]

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Date: Friday, March 17, 1727

"Musick has something so peculiar in it, that it exerts a willing Tyranny over the Mind, and forms the ductil Soul into whatever Shape the Melody directs."

— Caleb d'Anvers [pseud. for Nicholas Amhurst, Henry, Viscount Bolingbroke, and William Pulteney, Earl of Bath]

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Date: Friday, April 14, 1727

"A Man of true Honour will as soon break open a Lock as a Letter, which does not belong to him; and pick his Neighbour's Pocket, as soon as discover his Nakedness in this Respect; for a Letter, being the Representative of the Person's Heart, who sends it, ought to pass, without Examination or Int...

— Caleb d'Anvers [pseud. for Nicholas Amhurst, Henry, Viscount Bolingbroke, and William Pulteney, Earl of Bath]

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Date: Friday, April 21, 1727

"For though it is generally believed that few Statesmen are much afflicted with this terrible Inmate; yet, upon a careful Inspection of human Nature, I find it to be a vulgar Error; and am fully satisfied that, notwithstanding the outward placid Behaviour and smiling Aspect of t...

— Caleb d'Anvers [pseud. for Nicholas Amhurst, Henry, Viscount Bolingbroke, and William Pulteney, Earl of Bath]

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Date: 1727

"Old Men view best at a distance with the Eyes of their Understanding as well as with those of Nature."

— Swift, Jonathan (1667-1745)

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Date: 1727

"The common Fluency of Speech in many Men, and most Women, is owing to a Scarcity of Matter, and a Scarcity of Words; for whoever is a Master of Language, and hath a Mind full of Ideas, will be apt, in speaking, to hesitate upon the Choice of both; whereas common Speakers have only one Set of Ide...

— Swift, Jonathan (1667-1745)

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Date: 1728

"F. Mallebranch, with the Spirit of a Cartesian, denies that a Man who thinks seriously on the Matter, can doubt but the Essence of the Mind consists altogether in Thought, as that of Matter does in Extension; and that according to the various modifications of Thought,...

— Chambers, Ephraim (1680-1740)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.