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Date: 1674

"To this Objection therefore I answer (1.) that had this excellent Man, Monsieur des Cartes been but half as conversant in Anatomy, as he seems to have been in Geometry, doubtles he would never have lodged so noble a guest as the Rational Soul, in so incommodious a closet of the brain, as the Gla...

— Charleton, Walter (1620-1707)

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Date: 1674

"This Glandule which he supposeth to be so easily flexible and yielding to contrary impulses, is not loosely suspended, but fixed: so that whoever hath once beheld the solid basis, strong consistence, and firm connexion thereof, will hardly ever be brought to allow it capable of any impulse to ei...

— Charleton, Walter (1620-1707)

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Date: 1674

"Though we should grant this Gland to be both the Throne of the Soul, and most easily flexible every way: yet hath Des Cartes left it still unconceivable, how an Immaterial Agent, not infinite, comes to move by impuls a solid body, without the mediation of a third thing that is less disparil or d...

— Charleton, Walter (1620-1707)

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Date: 1674

"And as for the Bipartition of this Sensitive Soul into two principle members as it were, or active sourses; vix. the Fiery part, upon which Life depends; and the Lucid, from whence all the faculties Animal are, like so many distinct rayes of light, derived."

— Charleton, Walter (1620-1707)

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Date: 1674

"In Man indeed, it seems not difficult to conceive, that the Rational Soul, as president of all th'inferiour faculties, and constantly speculating the impressions, or images represented to her by the Sensitive, as by a mirrour; doth first form to herself conceptions and notions correspondent to t...

— Charleton, Walter (1620-1707)

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Date: 1675

"Since our minds are the Magazines of true wealth, and why should we expect that from Strangers, which we may bestow upon our Selves?"

— Le Grand, Antoine (1629-1699)

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Date: 1675

"Nature is too liberal to deny us our Desires: She is too Noble to refuse us a gift which she preserves for us in the Cabinet of our Soul: and her Guide is too faithful to carry us astray from that good to which we aspire."

— Le Grand, Antoine (1629-1699)

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Date: 1675, 1746

"Were it so with the Soul (as some of the Philosophers have vainly imagined) to come into the World as an Ab rasa Tabula, a mere Blank or piece of white Paper, on which neither any Thing, written, nor any Blots; it would then be equally receptive of Good and Evil, and no more averse to the...

— Westminster Assembly (1643-1652)

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Date: 1675, 1746

"The Ground needs no other midwifery in bringing forth Weeds, than only the neglect of the Husbandman's Hand to pluck them up; the Air needs no other Cause of Darkness, than the Absence of Sun; nor water of Coldness, than its Distance from the Fire, because these are the genuine Products of ...

— Westminster Assembly (1643-1652)

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Date: 1676, 1703

"This is also abundantly proved by the Experience of all such, as being secretly touched with the Call of God's Grace unto them, do apply themselves to false Teachers, where the Remedy proves worse than the Disease; because, instead of knowing God, or the things relating to their Salvation aright...

— Barclay, Robert (1648-1690)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.