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Date: 1764

"All that we know of the body, is owing to anatomical dissection and observation, and it must be by an anatomy of the mind that we can discover its powers and principles."

— Reid, Thomas (1710-1796)

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Date: 1764

"But the anatomist of the mind cannot have the same advantage."

— Reid, Thomas (1710-1796)

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Date: w. 1764, 1953

"My mind is like an air-pump which receives and ejects ideas with wonderful facility."

— Boswell, James (1740-1795)

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Date: 1764

"And by the way, according to the all-wise appointment of Providence, it is the same with the human mind, as it is with the earth; for education and good agriculture make the like improvements upon either."

— Harte, Walter (1708/9-1774)

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Date: 1764

"In order to guard against any dangers before hand, it would he necessary for lying-in women in some sort to quiet their senses, and to have their voluble ideas and passions as it were overloaded with fetters."

— Anonymous

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Date: 1764

"For when the hostile army rushes in at the windows of the body, and certain battalions of perturbations have so entered the castle of the mind, that the soul is taken captive, as it were, and oppressed beyond measure, sure, by troops of affections proceeding from the senses of seeing, hearing, s...

— Anonymous

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Date: 1764

"No: if you will be a true member of this church, you must give up your reason, and even the testimony of your senses too; as appears notoriously in the affair of transubstantiation."

— Murray, James (1732-1782)

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Date: 1765

"Une pierre de marbre qui a des veines plutôt que d'une pierre de marbre tout unie ou de tablettes vides, c'est-à-dire de ce qui s'appelle tabula rasa chez les philosophes."

— Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm (1646-1716)

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Date: 1765

One might say "that there are truths engraved in the soul which it has never known, and even ones which it will never know"

— Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm (1646-1716)

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Date: 1765

"If all [the mind] had was the mere capacity to receive those items of knowledge--a passive power to do so, as indeterminate as the power of wax to receive shapes or of a blank page to receive words--it would not be the source of necessary truths"

— Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm (1646-1716)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.