Date: 1702
"Thus a man's Face in the Glass is properly the 'Idea' of that Face; or when we seen any single Object, the little Picture or Image form'd at the bottom of the Eye may be properly call'd the 'Idea' of the thing seen; and by a Latitude in Expression the Picture of a Man or of any thing else, may b...
preview | full record— Lee, Henry, (c.1644-1713)
Date: 1742, 1777
"As a stream necessarily follows the several inclinations of the ground, on which it runs; so are the ignorant and thoughtless part of mankind actuated by their natural propensities"
preview | full record— Hume, David (1711-1776)
Date: 1742, 1777
"The fabric and constitution of our mind no more depends on our choice, than that of our body."
preview | full record— Hume, David (1711-1776)
Date: 1742, 1777
"Such are effectually excluded from all pretensions to philosophy, and the medicine of the mind, so much boasted."
preview | full record— Hume, David (1711-1776)