Date: 1805
"Shall she pronounce that generous Heart / A store-room vile of selfish Art?"
preview | full record— Pratt, Samuel Jackson [pseud. Courtney Melmoth] (1749-1814)
Date: 1805
"But Flint itself can teach to feel, / And soon subdue a breast of steel."
preview | full record— Pratt, Samuel Jackson [pseud. Courtney Melmoth] (1749-1814)
Date: 1806
"And now, cold horror trembles o'er my soul, / When thou in blank uncertainty array'd, / With iron-hearted deaf control / Throw'st all around thy awful, dubious shade"
preview | full record— Mickle, William Julius [formerly William Meikle] (1734-1788)
Date: 1806
"But when thy true poetic lays, / Pierce to the Heart's remotest cell; / We feel the conscious innate praise"
preview | full record— Robinson [Née Darby], Mary [Perdita] (1758-1800)
Date: 1807-8
"Let them approach: / Myriads of slaves like these appal not me, / Who in my people's hearts have built my throne, / Strong as their courage, stedfast as their truth."
preview | full record— Burges, Sir James Bland (1752-1824)
Date: 1807-8
"Thus with the show of reason, but with hearts, / By faction tainted, and by envy steel'd / Against their youthful leader, they had hop'd / By these inglorious councils to degrade / And tarnish his high fame."
preview | full record— Burges, Sir James Bland (1752-1824)
Date: 1807-8
"Since, then, th' Eternal Pow'r has stamp'd each mind, / Pure and congenial, in one common mould"
preview | full record— Burges, Sir James Bland (1752-1824)
Date: 1807-8
"Oh! had [Heaven] stamp'd upon the human mind / The mild forbearance, and the love unfeign'd"
preview | full record— Burges, Sir James Bland (1752-1824)
Date: 1807-8
"[T]hrough the cells / And channels of his phrensy-stricken brain / Rage and confusion rush'd; the solemn peal / Broke on his ear like his salvation's knell, / Whilst his vext conscience struggled, but too late, / To rend th' insatiate demon from his heart"
preview | full record— Burges, Sir James Bland (1752-1824)
Date: 1807-8
"So minds debas'd can torture gen'rous acts: / And thus, by terrors haunted, hunger-pinch'd, / Hag-ridden by the demon at their hearts, / Suspicious, tost from thought to thought, they watch'd / The lagging hours of night"
preview | full record— Burges, Sir James Bland (1752-1824)