Date: 1928
"As Irish Lovers use to make Address / By Darting Rushes at their Mistresses, / That do more Execution then the Darts / And Bows and Arrows [are] us'd to Conquer hearts."
preview | full record— Butler, Samuel (1613-1680)
Date: 1928
"Or what is Hair but threads of gold / That Lovers Hearts in fetters hold?"
preview | full record— Butler, Samuel (1613-1680)
Date: 1929
"And Shelley had his towers, thought's crowned powers he called them once."
preview | full record— Yeats, W. B. (1865-1939)
Date: 1929
"Goldsmith deliberately sipping at the honey-pot of his mind."
preview | full record— Yeats, W. B. (1865-1939)
Date: 1929
"Such fullness in that quarter overflows / And falls into the basin of the mind / That man is stricken deaf and dumb and blind, / For intellect no longer knows / Is from the Ought, or Knower from the Known."
preview | full record— Yeats, W. B. (1865-1939)
Date: w. c. 1864, published 1929
"Experience is the Angled Road / Preferred against the Mind / By -- Paradox -- the Mind itself -- / Presuming it to lead."
preview | full record— Dickinson, Emily (1830-1886)
Date: November, 1930
"What's in your mind, my dove, my coney; / Do thoughts grow like feathers, the dead end of life; / Is it making of love or counting of money, / Or raid on the jewels, the plans of a thief?"
preview | full record— Auden, W. H. (1907-1973)
Date: 1931
"My Waxen heart, when near the Flame, / Yields to th' imprinted mould" but "hardens in the Cold"
preview | full record— Tickell, Thomas (1685-1740)
Date: September, 1934
"When the mind is dark with the multiple shadows of facts, / There is no heat of the sun can warm the mind."
preview | full record— Miles, Josephine (1911-1985)
Date: September, 1934
"This weight of knowledge dark on the brain is never / To be burnt out like fever, // But will slowly, with speech to tell the way and ease it, / Will sink into the blood, and warm, and slowly / Move in the veins, and murmur, and come at length / To the tongue's tip and the finger's tip most lowl...
preview | full record— Miles, Josephine (1911-1985)