Date: 1739
"Fly from my soul all images of sense"
preview | full record— Rowe [née Singer], Elizabeth (1674-1737)
Date: 1739
"O name divine! / Be thou engraven on my inmost soul"
preview | full record— Rowe [née Singer], Elizabeth (1674-1737)
Date: 1739
"My great Redeemer's name--transporting name! / 'Tis graven on my heart"
preview | full record— Rowe [née Singer], Elizabeth (1674-1737)
Date: 1739
"My great Redeemer's name--transporting name! / 'Tis graven on my heart, 'tis deep imprest, / Immortal is the stamp; nor life, nor death, / Nor hell, with all its pow'rs, shall blot it thence."
preview | full record— Rowe [née Singer], Elizabeth (1674-1737)
Date: 1739
"Thy hand can trace the characters divine, / And stamp celestial beauty on my soul"
preview | full record— Rowe [née Singer], Elizabeth (1674-1737)
Date: 1739
Dictates have "his care on ev'ry mind impress'd, / The conscious seals the hand of Heav'n attest!"
preview | full record— Boyse, Samuel (1708-1749)
Date: 1739
"O set me as a signal on thy heart! / And let the deep impression ne'er depart."
preview | full record— Rowe [née Singer], Elizabeth (1674-1737)
Date: 1739
"To thee; whatever kind impression's rais'd / In any heart for me, let it be thine!"
preview | full record— Rowe [née Singer], Elizabeth (1674-1737)
Date: 1739
"And may the soft impression ne'er be lost! / O set me as a signet on thy heart!"
preview | full record— Rowe [née Singer], Elizabeth (1674-1737)
Date: 1739
"He finds thy soft impression touch his breast, / He feels the God, and owns him unconfess'd!"
preview | full record— Boyse, Samuel (1708-1749)