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Date: w. 1737, published 1738

"Long, as to him who works for debt, the Day; / Long as the Night to her whose love's away; / Long as the Year's dull circle seems to run, / When the brisk Minor pants for twenty-one; / So slow th' unprofitable Moments roll, / That lock up all the Functions of my soul; / That keep me from Myself;...

— Pope, Alexander (1688-1744)

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Date: w. 1737, published 1738

"But when no Prelate's Lawn with Hair-shirt lin'd, / Is half so incoherent as my Mind, / When (each Opinion with the next at strife, / One ebb and flow of follies all my Life) / I plant, root up, I build, and then confound, / Turn round to square, and square again to round."

— Pope, Alexander (1688-1744)

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Date: [1738], 1758

"Consult your mind, consult your glass, / Each charm of sense and youth; / Then own, who changes is an ass, / Nor wonder at my truth."

— Anonymous

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Date: 1738, 1868

"Justice and grace support Thy throne, / Set up in every faithful soul"

— Wesley, John and Charles

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Date: 1738, 1868

"Pure and holy hearts alone / Chooses [God] for His quiet throne."

— Wesley, John and Charles

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Date: 1738, 1792

"But soon a beam, emissive from above, / Shed mental day, and touch'd the heart with love; / Gave jealous rage to know Divine Controul, / And ruled the tempest rising in the soul."

— Brooke, Henry (c. 1703-1783)

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Date: 1738, 1792

"Love ... Give the soft sex to loathe inglorious rest, / String the weak arm, and steel the snowy breast!"

— Brooke, Henry (c. 1703-1783)

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Date: 1739

The mind may wing "it heav'n-ward with extatic Mirth"

— Miller, James (1704-1744)

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Date: 1739

The mind's "elect interpreter" is "the Tongue"

— Miller, James (1704-1744)

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Date: 1739

The [soul?] may be taught by the brain instead of the breast

— Miller, James (1704-1744)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.