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Date: 1730

"Enlarge the Purlieu of my narrow Mind: / In Colours, plain, expose to Reason's Eye, / What, yet, to Reason Nature does deny"

— Smedley, Jonathan (1671-1729)

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Date: 1730, 1731

"But now, my Muse, the arduous Task engage, / And show the Charming Figure on the Stage, / Describe her Look, her Action, Voice and Mein, / The gay Coquette, soft Maid, or haughty Queen, / So bright she [Mrs. Oldfield] shone in every different Part, / She gain'd despotick Empire o'er the Heart, /...

— Savage, Richard (1697/8-1743)

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Date: 1730

"In vain with Reason's Ballast do we try / The Ocean of Eternity, / Unfathom'd, without Shore."

— Woodward, George (b. 1708?)

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Date: 1730

"Learning! that mazy Cobweb of the Brain, / That renders all the Avenues / Of Truth, that in itself is plain, / Impervious and abstruse, / Perplex'd and intricate, / By that false Engine of our Mind, Debate."

— Woodward, George (b. 1708?)

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Date: 1730

"Tho' his capacious Head, the sacred Ark! / Where a whole World of Science does imbark, / Has steer'd and labour'd all it can, / As Reason fill'd the Sail, / Yet what does all this fruitless search avail?"

— Woodward, George (b. 1708?)

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Date: 1730

"Whate'er we see, whate'er we feel, / Does all the God reveal, / Confirms the Grand Mistake / Of Those, whose Eagle-Thoughts would make / His Seat so wondrous high, / Beyond the Limits of the Sky, /Out beyond the World's wide Sphear, /And fix his Habitation there."

— Woodward, George (b. 1708?)

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Date: 1730

"Whether we send our Reason's piercing Rays / Beneath the Great, unbounded Deep, / Where Storms and Tempests sleep, / Whether unrein'd Imagination strays / Thro' the black, Howling Desart's pathless Ways, / The Deep and Howling Wilderness declare / The Omnipresent Godhead there."

— Woodward, George (b. 1708?)

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Date: 1730

"Whether amid the Gloom we stray, / And send our Intellectual Ray / Up to the pure, cærulean Plains on high, / There all the Glories of the Sky, / As round the liquid Space / They run their bright, ætherial Race."

— Woodward, George (b. 1708?)

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Date: 1730

"Impatient flouncing through the drifted heaps, / Stung with the thoughts of home; the thoughts of home / Rush on his nerves, and call their vigour forth / In many a vain effort."

— Thomson, James (1700-1748)

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Date: 1730

"Then throng the busy shapes into his mind, / Of cover'd pits, unfathomably deep, / A dire descent! beyond the power of frost, / Of faithless bogs; of precipices huge, / Smooth'd up with snow; and, what is land unknown, / What water, of the still unfrozen eye, / In the loose marsh or solitary lak...

— Thomson, James (1700-1748)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.