Date: 1725
In composition " Where chance presides, all objects wildly join'd, / Crowd on the reader, and distract his mind; / From theme to theme unwilling is he tost, / And in the dark variety is lost"
preview | full record— Pitt, Christopher (1699-1748)
Date: 1725
" He loaths the piece; condemns it; nor can find / The genuin stamp, and image of his mind"
preview | full record— Pitt, Christopher (1699-1748)
Date: 1725
"A glorious train of images may find, / Preventing hope, and crowding on the mind."
preview | full record— Pitt, Christopher (1699-1748)
Date: 1726
"Oh! I hate the wretched victors: / Fancy would fain paint their pictures."
preview | full record— Sansom, Martha [née Fowke] (1690-1736)
Date: 1726, 1753
"Restless, on paper, we our vows repeat, / And pour our souls out, on the missive sheet"
preview | full record— Hill, Aaron (1685-1750)
Date: 1726, 1753
"Such contraries almighty wisdom finds, / And stamps on human minds."
preview | full record— Hill, Aaron (1685-1750)
Date: 1726, 1753
"As fire, by nature, climbs direct, and bright, / And beams, in spotless rays, a shining light; / But if some gross obstruction stops its way, / Smokes in low curls, and scents the sullied day: / So love, itself, untainted, and refin'd, / Borrows a tincture, from the colour'd mind."
preview | full record— Hill, Aaron (1685-1750)
Date: 1726, 1753
"The great grow greater, while its force they prove, / But little hearts want room, and cripple love."
preview | full record— Hill, Aaron (1685-1750)
Date: 1726, 1781
In Bedlam a "shiv'ring Monarch keeps his awful Court, / And far and wide, as boundless Thought can stray, / Extends a vast imaginary Sway"
preview | full record— Fitzgerald, Thomas (1695-1752)
Date: 1726
"My breast, O WALPOLE, glows with grateful fire / The streams of Royal bounty, turn'd by Thee, / Refresh the dry domains of poesy."
preview | full record— Young, Edward (bap. 1683, d. 1765)