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Date: 1725-6

"Discourse [is] the sweeter banquet of the mind."

— Pope, Alexander (1688-1744), Broome, W. and Fenton, E.

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Date: 1725-6

"The Similies are likewise generally longer in the Iliad than the Odyssey, and less resemblance between the thing illustrated, and the illustration; the reason is, in the Iliad the similitudes are introduced to illustrate some great and noble object, and therefore the Poet pr...

— Pope, Alexander (1688-1744), Broome, W. and Fenton, E.

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Date: 1725-6

"The thinking mind, my soul to vengeance fires."

— Pope, Alexander (1688-1744), Broome, W. and Fenton, E.

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Date: 1725-6

"Men do not put bridles upon horses when they are already running with full speed, but they bridle them before they bring them out to the race: This very well illustrates the conduct of Ulysses; he fears the youth of Telemachus may be too warm, and through an unseasonable ardour at the sight of h...

— Pope, Alexander (1688-1744), Broome, W. and Fenton, E.

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Date: 1725-6

Tears may melt a manly mind

— Pope, Alexander (1688-1744), Broome, W. and Fenton, E.

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Date: 1725-6

"Each gentle mind the soft infection felt, for richest metals are most apt to melt"

— Pope, Alexander (1688-1744), Broome, W. and Fenton, E.

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Date: 1725-6

"[W]hile the mind is deprest and broken by slavery, it will never dare to think or say any thing bold and noble; all the vigour evaporates, and it remains as it were confin'd in a prison"

— Pope, Alexander (1688-1744), Broome, W. and Fenton, E.

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Date: 1725-6

"Then hear my words, and grave them in thy mind!"

— Pope, Alexander (1688-1744), Broome, W. and Fenton, E.

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Date: 1725-6

"He saw that all the sparks of virtue and humanity were not extinguished in Amphinomus; he therefore warns him with great solemnity to forsake the Suitors; he imprints conviction upon his mind, tho' ineffectually, and shews by it that when he falls by the hand of Ulysses in the succ...

— Pope, Alexander (1688-1744), Broome, W. and Fenton, E.

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Date: 1725-6

"'Tis hard, he cries, to bring to sudden sight / Ideas that have wing'd their distant flight."

— Pope, Alexander (1688-1744), Broome, W. and Fenton, E.

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.