Date: 1724, 1755
The mind is a soil that must be cultivated; left fallow "an hateful crop succeeds"
preview | full record— Tollet, Elizabeth (1694-1754)
Date: 1724, 1755
Wit may be refined by reason to disengage metal from the mine [of the mind]
preview | full record— Tollet, Elizabeth (1694-1754)
Date: 1724
"For Nature by fix'd Laws has wisely join'd / The bright Ideas of the conscious Mind / To Motions of the liquid spirit'ous Train, / Thro' previous Traces of the humid Brain; / These, when the Soul by drowsy Sleep oppress'd / Into her private Cell retires to Rest, / Thro' beaten Paths their wand'r...
preview | full record— Needler, Henry (1690-1718); Duncombe, William (1690-1769)
Date: 1725
A "longing mind" may be racked with cares brought before the eyes.
preview | full record— Glanvil, John (1664-1735)
Date: 1725
"Obedient let my Passions be / To all the Rules of strict Morality."
preview | full record— Baker, Henry (1698-1774)
Date: 1725
"Nor longer then she has the Heart to strive; / Yielding to all th' Impressions of his Flame"
preview | full record— Glanvil, John (1664-1735)
Date: 1725
"In Pieces took here we are shewn the whole / Clock-work and Mechanism of the Soul; / May see the Movements, Labyrinths, and Strings, / Its Wires, and Wheels, and Balances, and Springs; / How 'tis wound up to its full Height, and then / What checks, and stops, and settles it again."
preview | full record— Glanvil, John (1664-1735)
Date: 1725
"Momus himself cou'd not have more descry'd, / Had he his Window to the Mind apply'd, / (So clear the Images appear) than we / In this true Philosophick Mirror see."
preview | full record— Glanvil, John (1664-1735)
Date: 1725
"Come, Reader, learn here what thou art, come see / Thy inmost Pow'rs; acquaint thy self with Thee, / View here the secret and mysterious Guest, / The Tenant, yet the Stranger of thy Breast"
preview | full record— Glanvil, John (1664-1735)