Date: 1713
"Now that within Nocturnal Shell / Pale Visionary Glimm'rings dwell, / By Demonstration I'll evince, / And Testimony of the Sense."
preview | full record— Smith, John (fl. 1713)
Date: 1713
"Affection can th' External Senses blind, / And stamps such deep Impressions on the Mind"
preview | full record— Smith, John (fl. 1713)
Date: 1713
Wine may gild "the Thought with Chymick Art"
preview | full record— Smith, John (fl. 1713)
Date: 1713
Wine may "into Riches" stamp and coin the Heart
preview | full record— Smith, John (fl. 1713)
Date: 1713
"The Rafters sink, and bury'd with his Coin / That Fate does with his living Thoughts combine; / For still his Heart's inclos'd within a Golden Mine."
preview | full record— Finch [née], Anne, countess of Winchilsea (1666-1720)
Date: 1713
"Ah! Cruel Nymph! to whom is giv'n /A Form more bright, more proud than Heav'n; / Whose scornful Soul, and haughty Breast, / Disdain to make a God their Guest."
preview | full record— Smith, John (fl. 1713)
Date: 1713
"List'ning I stood, unmov'd as Stock, / My Heart just striking with the Clock;"
preview | full record— Smith, John (fl. 1713)
Date: w. 1702-1713, 1989
"But most Alas by vain opinion lead / Ore the wild maze of erring passions tread."
preview | full record— Parnell, Thomas (1679-1718)
Date: w. 1702-1713, 1989
"By turns a thousand inclinations rise / & each by turns as impotently dies."
preview | full record— Parnell, Thomas (1679-1718)
Date: w. 1702-1713, 1989
"[I]f reason from the throne be gon / The madd affections bear their master on"
preview | full record— Parnell, Thomas (1679-1718)