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Date: 1682

"This made Impression on some easie Minds, / Whom or good Nature, or false Pity blinds."

— Pordage, Samuel (bap. 1633, d. c. 1691)

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Date: 1682

"What subtle dart / Had you at first to penetrate my Heart, / Obdure as Steel."

— Coppinger, Matthew (fl. 1682)

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Date: 1682

"Here Ovid's fancy in this Mirrour shines."

— Livingstone, Michael (fl. 1680)

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Date: 1682

"'Tis not a Flash of Fancy which sometimes / Dasling our Minds, sets off the slightest Rimes; / Bright as a blaze, but in a moment done; / True Wit is everlasting, like the Sun; / Which though sometimes beneath a cloud retir'd, / Breaks out again, and is by all admir'd."

— Sheffield, John, first duke of Buckingham and Normanby (1647-1721)

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Date: 1682

"Where dost thou dwell? what caverns of the Brain / Can such a vast and mighty thing contain?"

— Sheffield, John, first duke of Buckingham and Normanby (1647-1721)

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Date: 1682

"Fancy is but the Feather of the Pen; / Reason is that substantial useful part, / Which gains the Head, while t'other wins the Heart."

— Sheffield, John, first duke of Buckingham and Normanby (1647-1721)

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Date: 1682

"A Crowd of Vertues fill your Princely Breast."

— Pordage, Samuel (bap. 1633, d. c. 1691)

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Date: 1682

"You took my Counsel and became my Friend: / And by those Ties, did earnestly request, / That I wou'd make Marina's Heart your Guest."

— Ephelia (fl. 1679-1682)

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Date: November, 1682

"Dim, as the borrow'd beams of moon and stars / To lonely, weary, wand'ring travellers, / Is reason to the soul; and as on high, / Those rolling fires discover but the sky / Not light us here; so reason's glimmering ray / Was lent not to assure our doubtful way, / But guide us upward to a better ...

— Dryden, John (1631-1700)

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Date: November, 1682

"And as those nightly tapers disappear / When day's bright lord ascends our hemisphere / So pale grows reason at religion's sight: / So dies, and so dissolves in supernatural light."

— Dryden, John (1631-1700)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.