Date: 1759
"For well I know, nor Flint, nor ruthless Steel, / Can arm the Breast of such a gentle Maid."
preview | full record— Grainger, James (1721-1766)
Date: 1759, 1761
"To her mind's eye a thousand ghosts appear, / The foolish apparitions of her fear."
preview | full record— Fawkes, Francis (1720-1777); Menander (342-291 B.C.)
Date: 1759
"Mankind's the same to Beasts and Fouls / That Devils are to Humane Soules, / Who therefor, when like Fiends th' appeare, / Avoyd and Fly with equal feare."
preview | full record— Butler, Samuel (1613-1680)
Date: 1759
"'Tis in the Culture of the Mind, as in that of the Earth; Precepts may be sown too thick together; so as to smother, and obstruct the Growth, and Product of each other, by encumbring the Soil, where they are sown; and by that Means frustrate the Labor of him, who sowes them."
preview | full record— Marriott, Thomas (d. 1766)
Date: 1759
"Not Charms alone made the Fam'd Sisters great, / Both wedded, to high Titles, Wealth, and State; / But bland Complacence, and obsequious Art, / That could, with silken Bands, enthrall the Heart."
preview | full record— Marriott, Thomas (d. 1766)
Date: 1759
"Ye Mothers! train your Daughter's infant Mind; / To practise, when Adult, what's here injoin'd; / With early Care, Seeds of Compliance sow, / As you first shape the Twig, the Tree will grow; / Good Education elevates our Souls, / Corrects the Passions, Appetites controls; / Refines our Nature, a...
preview | full record— Marriott, Thomas (d. 1766)
Date: 1759
"In docile Youth, the Seed of Virtue sow, / E'er Weeds of Vice predominant can grow; / When ductile Nature is to bend inclin'd, / Then is the Time, to rectify the Mind."
preview | full record— Marriott, Thomas (d. 1766)
Date: 1759
"Learn first, a Conquest, o'er yourselves, to gain, / That o'er our Sex, you may victorious reign."
preview | full record— Marriott, Thomas (d. 1766)
Date: 1759
"Strive to extirpate Pride, that Hell-sprung Root, / Whence Anger, Malice, Strife, and Madness shoot; / If, in your Mind, that pois'nous Weed should grow, / In vain, the Seeds of Discipline, I sow; / Where that Weed grows, so barren in the Soil, / It is not worth my Culture, and my Toil."
preview | full record— Marriott, Thomas (d. 1766)
Date: 1759
"Fair Nymph! oft inward turn your mental Eye, / Your Soul reflecting can herself descry: / By Self-examination, she will find / Each Blemish, in the Features of the Mind."
preview | full record— Marriott, Thomas (d. 1766)