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Date: 1749

"Long did our lusts and passions reign, / And ruled us with an iron rod"

— Wesley, John and Charles

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Date: 1749

"Though I have steel'd my stubborn heart"

— Wesley, John and Charles

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Date: 1749

"From all idolatrous excess, / From earthly dross refine, / And on my simple heart impress / The character Divine"

— Wesley, John and Charles

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Date: 1749

"Open a window in our breast, / That each our heart may see"

— Wesley, John and Charles

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Date: 1749

"See them to the windows fly, / To the ark of Jesu's breast!"

— Wesley, John and Charles

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Date: 1749

"My heart is melting wax;"

— Wesley, Charles (1707-1788)

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Date: 1749

"See Lord, the Object of thy Love, / And O come quickly from above, / The Blessing to impart, / Him to Thyself by Faith unite, / And in large bloody Letters write / Forgiveness on his Heart."

— Wesley, Charles (1707-1788)

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Date: 1749

Those who know the righteousness of faith may "lovingly obedient show / The law engraven on [their] hearts."

— Wesley, John and Charles

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Date: w. 1742-1750, 1803

"Ne ought with him availeth sexe or age; / Ne hoary elde, ne tender infant's cries / Can melt his iron heart in any wise"

— Cambridge, Richard Owen (1717-1802)

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Date: 1750

A heart may be "as true as the sun"

— Jemmat [née Yeo], Catherine (bap. 1714, d. 1766?)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.