Date: 1781, 1791
"Hence rash Belief! may thy wild thoughts again / Ne'er thro the cells of busy fancy rove!"
preview | full record— Downman, Hugh (1740-1809)
Date: 1781, 1791
"If haply human passions swell, / And shake awhile their peaceful cell, / They strive with idle force"
preview | full record— Downman, Hugh (1740-1809)
Date: 1781, 1791
"Or when the burnish'd car by Phoebus roll'd, / Darts more intense it's rays of liquid gold, / Beneath some ivy-fringed cave reclined, / Fancy's bright visions rushing on thy mind, / With spirits bland, nursed by the genial powers, / Soothest with melodious notes the sultry hours!"
preview | full record— Downman, Hugh (1740-1809)
Date: 1781, 1810
"Triumphant love, with still superior art, / Engraves their wonders on the Painter's heart."
preview | full record— Seward, Anna (1742-1809)
Date: 1781
"But as a Bow that's always bent / Hath soon its force elastic spent; / So, lest the over-burthen'd brain / (Which can't too great a weight sustain) / Should not so much rich food digest, / 'Tis sometimes good to give it rest."
preview | full record— Keate, George (1729-1797)
Date: 1781
"My head and ears confus'd, I find / One cannot here relax the Mind, / In vain she strives to slip her chains, / Law, Law, through all these regions reigns; / So back to Chambers I return, / More Patience, and more Law, to learn."
preview | full record— Keate, George (1729-1797)
Date: 1781
"When love is fetter'd, all is fire, / And tender passion soon decays; / Like those sweet birds which soon expire, / When we wou'd force their tuneful lays."
preview | full record— Whalley, Thomas Sedgwick (1746-1828)
Date: 1781
"Insulted Reason fled the grov'ling soul, / For Fear to guide, and visions to control: / But now, when Reason has assumed her throne, / She, in her turn, demands to reign alone"
preview | full record— Crabbe, George (1754-1832)
Date: 1781
Reason may reject "all that lies beyond her view / And being judge, will be a witness too"
preview | full record— Crabbe, George (1754-1832)
Date: 1781
"Blest be the gracious Power, who taught mankind / To stamp a lasting image of the mind!"
preview | full record— Crabbe, George (1754-1832)