Date: 1778
"And if, O love, thy potent dart / Should reach the sleeping shepherd's heart, / O! be to him a gentler guest, / And pierce, with lighter shaft, his breast."
preview | full record— Robinson [Née Darby], Mary [Perdita] (1758-1800)
Date: August 4, 1778
"Behold! the soul shall waft away, / Whene'er we come to die, / And leave its cottage made of clay, / In twinkling of an eye."
preview | full record— Hammon, Jupiter (1711-c.1800)
Date: 1778
"Renown'd ARCADIA, fam'd by Grecian bards, / In fancy's mirror strikes th' enraptur'd eye; / The pastures green replete with lowing herds, / Where brousing flocks, and careless shepherds lie."
preview | full record— Graham, Charles (1750 ca.-1796 fl.)
Date: 1778
"But, as an author of great fame / (I can't just recollect his name) / Has somewhere said, who seeks to bind / By force, or fraud, a woman's mind, / With locks, and bolts, and bars, and chains, / But gets his labour for his pains."
preview | full record— Moore, Sir John Henry (1756-1780)
Date: 1778, 1804
"There is some kind and courtly sprite / That o'er the realm of Fancy reigns."
preview | full record— Langhorne, John (1735-1779)
Date: 1778, 1804
"But when that seal is first imprest, / When the young heart its pain shall try, / From the soft, yielding, trembling breast, / Oft seems the startled soul to fly."
preview | full record— Langhorne, John (1735-1779)
Date: 1778, 1804
"The stranger, Reason, cross'd her way."
preview | full record— Langhorne, John (1735-1779)
Date: 1778, 1788
"Thy tragic pencil, Aristides, caught / Each varied feeling, and each tender thought; / While moral virtue sanctified thy art, / And passion gave it empire o'er the heart."
preview | full record— Hayley, William (1745-1820)
Date: 1773, 1778
One may "tempest up the Soul, or make it calm and still."
preview | full record— Jones, Henry (1721-1770)
Date: 1773, 1778
"The Passions there embody'd throng, / On mental Pinions, swift, and strong, / In Robes array'd of various Fire"
preview | full record— Jones, Henry (1721-1770)