Date: 1767
"And sure forgiveness sealest / On all our waiting hearts."
preview | full record— Wesley, John and Charles
Date: 1767
"The promise and the prayer is seal'd, / Seal'd on her heart in gospel-peace."
preview | full record— Wesley, John and Charles
Date: 1767
"The witness breathe into my heart, / And seal my sins forgiven."
preview | full record— Wesley, John and Charles
Date: 1767
"But graciously forgive me, / And seal it on my heart."
preview | full record— Wesley, John and Charles
Date: 1767
" The Triune God His image seals / With pardon on our heart"
preview | full record— Wesley, John and Charles
Date: 1767
God seals the truth on "our happy hearts"
preview | full record— Wesley, John and Charles
Date: 1767
"And fill up all Thy human shrine, / And seal our souls for ever Thine"
preview | full record— Wesley, John and Charles
Date: 1767
"The Spirit breathed His life into / Our animated clay, / And He begets our souls anew, / And seals us to that day"
preview | full record— Wesley, John and Charles
Date: 1767, 1784
"Shall we, because we strive in vain to tell / How Matter acts on incorporeal Mind, / Or how, when sleep has lock'd up ev'ry sense, / Or fevers rage, Imagination paints / Unreal scenes, reject what sober sense, / And calmest thought attest?"
preview | full record— Jago, Richard (1715-1781)