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Date: June, 1793

"'Tis fancy, powerful fancy wings / The poet's flight whene'er he sings, / Fancy strikes the living lyre, / Fancy sheds poetic fire!"

— Anonymous

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Date: June, 1793

"In short, in every scene [of Shakespeare] appears, Fancy, queen of hopes and fears."

— Anonymous

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Date: June, 1793

"When Pope's warbling numbers glide, / Smooth as the unruffled tide; / When the sylphs and sylphids fly, / Thro' the azure of the sky; / When he sports on Windsor plains, / Fancy still unrivall'd reigns."

— Anonymous

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Date: June, 1793

"Endless 'twould be to name the views; / The various views, that fancy shews, / To lessen human cares and woes; / Fancy who alternate dwells, / In palaces, and moss-clad cells; / Fancy powerful o'er mankind, / Whose settled dwelling is the mind."

— Anonymous

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.