Date: 1806
"I'll hear no tales, listen to none of the charities of life: my heart is steeled"
preview | full record— Holcroft, Thomas (1745-1809)
Date: 1806
"When I ogled sweet Bess, from my glances she / For she had a bosom of steel--"
preview | full record— Hoare, Prince (1755-1834); Kotzebue (1761-1819)
Date: 1807
"I took the man of my heart, proudly spurning those alliances, where all is fairly engrossed, but the affections, and every thing duly stampt, except an impression on the heart"
preview | full record— Morton, Thomas (1764-1838)
Date: 1807
"Father, why gird my poor brain with hoops of iron? In mercy loose them. Ah! now I'm free"
preview | full record— Morton, Thomas (1764-1838)
Date: 1808
Love of native soil is a ruling passion that may intervene in restless scenes
preview | full record— Cumberland, Richard (1732-1811)
Date: 1808
"Judge not the Man by his exterior part: / Virtue's strong root in every soil will grow, / Rich ores lie buried under piles of snow"
preview | full record— Cumberland, Richard (1732-1811)
Date: 1810
"Hence are his senses to his reason subject."
preview | full record— Cowper, William (1731-1800)
Date: 1813
In female hearts "genuine virtue" may glow and not that "stern passion, that unlovely flame, / which sear'd the bosom of the Spartan dame"
preview | full record— Cumberland, Richard (1732-1811)
Date: 1813
British nymphs even while "their bosoms own the tender fire, / Their generous minds can check each fond desire"
preview | full record— Cumberland, Richard (1732-1811)