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Date: 1681

"[A] Woman has a sweet time on't with any Soldier Lover of 'em all, with their Iron minds and Buff hearts"

— Behn, Aphra (1640?-1689)

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Date: 1681

"Well then, thou shalt go see of what burthen my Lover is, and if he has stoage-room left for a heart, contract for mine; but tell him, what foul weather soever happens he shall preserve mine, though he throw all the rest over-board."

— Ravenscroft, Edward (c.1650- c.1700)

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Date: 1681

"[H]ere's the wit of a Tarpawlin now; one ruffling Storm frights away all their brains, to make room for the fumes that make them Valiant"

— D'Urfey, Thomas (1653?-1723)

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Date: 1681

"Thus when Adonis got the stone, / To Love the Boy still made his moan; / Venus the Queen of Fancy came, / And as he slept she cool'd his flame."

— Lee, Nathaniel (1653-1692)

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Date: 1682

"Judge then what my Heart Feels, who, like a fire but lightly cover'd o're with the cold Ashes of Despair, with the least blast, breaks out into a flame."

— Behn, Aphra (1640?-1689)

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Date: 1682

"I fear my breast wants room for the excessive joy; is stuck round with the darts of your Beauty, like an Orange that is stuck with Cloves."

— D'Urfey, Thomas (1653?-1723)

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Date: 1682

"I freely give it: so is my heart the dearest faithfull Closet of your Merit."

— D'Urfey, Thomas (1653?-1723)

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Date: 1682

"Love, that like a rich and potent Lord possesses, each close Apartment of this Charming Body, retains thy Vertue for some fitter season, and therefore shuts it up in some dark Closet, till the Riotous Soul has done its Revelling."

— D'Urfey, Thomas (1653?-1723)

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Date: 1683

"I have Imbezell'd all the Furniture of my Soul and body in vice, though Heaven gave me an excellent House-keeper to look to it all, a careful wakeful Creature, call'd a Conscience, which never slept, never let me sleep in ill, but I abus'd her, sought to turn her out of doors, nay, Murder her, b...

— Crowne, John (bap. 1641, d. 1712)

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Date: June, 1684

"All this I think is in the power of Love, and yet it cannot work a change in me, my heart is link'd so firmly to your Virtues. Magick cannot break the chain."

— Lacy, John (c.1615-1681)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.