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Date: 1697

"What ever brought him here, or took him hence / It was no mean, or common influence, / Of Heavens best mettal, that inform'd his soul, / And made all vertue, but a blubr'd scrol / Of his great mind."

— Cleland, William (1661?-1689)

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Date: 1700

"Better the Mind no Notions had retain'd, / But still a fair Unwritten Blank remain'd; / For now, who Truth from Falshood wou'd discern; / must first disrobe the Mind, and all Unlearn."

— Pomfret, John (1667-1702)

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Date: 1705

"In Characters of Malice, Pride, and Fraud, / Stamp'd on his Mind, my Image I applaud."

— Blackmore, Sir Richard (1654-1729)

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Date: 1705

" In Characters of Malice, Pride, and Fraud, / Stamp'd on his Mind, my Image I applaud."

— Blackmore, Sir Richard (1654-1729)

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Date: 1712, 1796

"He special care would of his safety take, / Both for his own, and for his father's sake, / Whose well-deservings of him, he should find, / Were deeply graven in a grateful mind."

— Ellwood, Thomas (1639-1713)

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Date: 1712

"The ready Phantomes at her Nod advance, / And form the busie Intellectual Dance: / While her fair Scenes to vary, or supply, / She singles out fit Images, that lye / In Memory's Records, which faithful hold / Objects immense in secret Marks inroll'd, / The sleeping Forms at her Command awake, / ...

— Blackmore, Sir Richard (1654-1729)

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Date: 1714

The Soul returns "Naked from off this Beach and perfect Blank, / To visit the New World."

— Evans, Abel (1679-1737)

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Date: 1715, 1762

"In Good Mens Minds and Hearts alone doth he, / Delight to Dwell, and there Engraven be."

— Pennecuik, Alexander (d. 1730)

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Date: 1719

"Than from this Mind, O! venerable Shade, / Th'Impression be eras'd thy Words have made."

— Breval, John Durant (1680/81-1738)

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Date: 1729

"Oh, let not the soft, penetrating plague / Creep on the freeborn mind! and working there, / With the sharp tooth of many a new-form'd want, / Endless, and idle all, eat out the heart / Of liberty; the high conception blast; / The noble sentiment, the impatient scorn / Of base subjection, and the...

— Thomson, James (1700-1748)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.