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Date: 1724, 1756

"Consult the native Dictates of thy Soul; / And if thou there discern the Maker's Hand, / Confess his Care, resign to his Command."

— Tollet, Elizabeth (1694-1754)

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Date: 1724

"One Law of the Action of the Soul on the Body, & vice versa, seems to be, That upon such and such Motions produced in the Musical Instrument of the Body, such and such Sensations should arise in the Mind; and on such and such Actions of the Soul, such and such Motions in the Body should ensue; m...

— Cheyne, George (1671-1743)

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Date: 1724

"If I have here touch'd a young Lady's Vanity and Levity, it was to show her how beautiful she is without those Blots, which certainly stain the Mind, and stamp Deformity where the greatest Beauties would shine, were they banish'd."

— Davys, Mary (1674-1732)

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Date: 1724

A "Man that wou'd please [a pedant], must pore an Age over musty Authors, till his Brains are as worm-eaten as the Books he reads, and his Conversation fit for no body else"

— Davys, Mary (1674-1732)

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Date: 1725

"Thus a Tempest at Sea is often an Emblem of Wrath"

— Hutcheson, Francis (1694-1746)

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Date: 1725-6

"O Prince attend! some sav'ring pow'r be kind,
And print th'important story on thy mind!"

— Pope, Alexander (1688-1744), Broome, W. and Fenton, E.

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Date: 1725-6

"Then hear my words, and grave them in thy mind!"

— Pope, Alexander (1688-1744), Broome, W. and Fenton, E.

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Date: 1725-6

"He saw that all the sparks of virtue and humanity were not extinguished in Amphinomus; he therefore warns him with great solemnity to forsake the Suitors; he imprints conviction upon his mind, tho' ineffectually, and shews by it that when he falls by the hand of Ulysses in the succ...

— Pope, Alexander (1688-1744), Broome, W. and Fenton, E.

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Date: 1724, 1725

"[H]is Image was too deeply impress'd in her Mind, ever to banish it thence, tho' effac'd and blotted by the Memory of his Crimes"

— Haywood [née Fowler], Eliza (1693?-1756)

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Date: 1726

"How the weak Mind a naked Blank, receives, / The first Impression Time, or Custom gives."

— Johnson, Charles (1679?-1748)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.