Date: 1715
"I'll summon all my Reason and my Duty, / To sooth this Storm within, and frame my Heart, / To yield Obedience to my noble Parents."
preview | full record— Rowe, Nicholas (1674-1718)
Date: 1715-1720
"His Country's Cares lay rowling in his Breast. / As when by Light'nings Jove 's Ætherial Pow'r / Foretells the ratling Hail, or weighty Show'r, / Or sends soft Snows to whiten all the Shore, / Or bids the brazen Throat of War to roar; / By fits one Flash succeeds, as one expire...
preview | full record— Pope, Alexander (1688-1744)
Date: 1717
"Jove with a nod may bid the world to rest, / But Serenissa must becalm her breast."
preview | full record— Pope, Alexander (1688-1744)
Date: 1719
"In the midst of the greatest Composures of my Mind, this would break out upon me like a Storm, and make me wring my Hands, and weep like a Child."
preview | full record— Defoe, Daniel (1660?-1731)
Date: 1719-1720, 1725
"'Twould swell this Discourse beyond what I design, to recount her various Starts of Passions, and different Turns of Behaviour, sometimes louder than the Winds, she rav'd! Commanded! Threatned! Then, still as April Showers, or Summer Dews, she wept, and only whisper'd her Complaints, now dissemb...
preview | full record— Haywood [née Fowler], Eliza (1693?-1756)
Date: 1719-1720, 1725
"In this Tempest of Mind, she continu'd for some time, till at length Rage beginning to dissipate itself in Tears, made way for cooler Considerations; and her natural Vanity resuming its Empire in her Soul, was of no little Service to her on this Occasion."
preview | full record— Haywood [née Fowler], Eliza (1693?-1756)
Date: 1719-1720, 1725
"She threw herself down into an Elbow-Chair that stood there, and gave a Loose to the Tempest of her Soul."
preview | full record— Haywood [née Fowler], Eliza (1693?-1756)
Date: 1719
"I was not so much surpriz'd with the Lightning, as I was with a Thought which darted into my Mind as swift as the Lightning it self: O my Powder!"
preview | full record— Defoe, Daniel (1660?-1731)
Date: First performed February 17, 1720.
"The Threats of Death are nothing; / Tho' thy last Message shook his Soul, as Winds / On the bleak Hills bend down some lofty Pine; / Yet still he held his Root; till I found Means, / Abating somewhat of thy first Demand, / If not to make him wholly ours, at least / To gain sufficient to our End."
preview | full record— Hughes, John (1678?-1720)
Date: First performed February 17, 1720.
"O Eudocia! / No longer now my dazled Eyes behold thee / Thro' Passion's Mists; my Soul now gazes on thee, / And sees thee lovelier in unfading Charms, / Bright as the shining Angel Host that stood!"
preview | full record— Hughes, John (1678?-1720)