Date: 1796
"The speeches of the unsuspicious Eugenia, that a moment before would have past unheeded, now regaled her renovated fancy with a thousand amusing images, which so vigorously struggled against her sadness and her terrors, that they were soon nearly driven from the field by their sportive assailant...
preview | full record— Burney [married name D'Arblay], Frances (1752-1840)
Date: 1797
A boy with the the divine gift of beauty may conquer "each heart he lists" nor needs Cupid's "shafts to aid his victories"
preview | full record— Mason, William (1725-1797)
Date: 1797
"The impression becomes deeper; not in consequence of being reinforced by fresh arguments, but merely by dint of having longer rested in the mind; and as they [doubts] increase in force, they creep on and extend themselves. At length they diffuse themselves over the whole of Religion, and possess...
preview | full record— Wilberforce, William (1759-1833)
Date: 1798 [1797?]
"The government of Head and Heart soon chang'd, / All former plans of thinking were derang'd; / Cupid's fond garrison was put to route, / Hypothesis march'd in, and Love march'd out."
preview | full record— Jones, Jenkin [Captain] (fl. 1798)
Date: 1799
"Their eyes are water! their hearts are brass! Kisses upon their lips! daggers in their hearts!"
preview | full record— Render, William (fl. 1790-1801); Schiller (1759-1805)
Date: w. 1796, 1799
"Notwithstanding the law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members."
preview | full record— Osborn, Sarah (1714-1796)
Date: 1799
"The heart and the mind are prejudiced judges, ever at war with consistency and truth; they recoil with indignation from the smallest speck on another's conduct, yet pass with exultation over the mountain that darkens their own"
preview | full record— West, Matthew (d. 1814); Kotzebue (1761-1819)
Date: 1800
"Your power I dare / In despite of these chains, / Unconquered still my soul remains."
preview | full record— Cobb, James (1756-1818)