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Date: 1733, 1748

"Still let my faithful Memory impart, / And deep engrave it on my grateful heart, / How just, and good, and excellent Thou art."

— Pilkington, Laetitia (c. 1709-1750)

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Date: 1767, 1784

"Shall we, because we strive in vain to tell / How Matter acts on incorporeal Mind, / Or how, when sleep has lock'd up ev'ry sense, / Or fevers rage, Imagination paints / Unreal scenes, reject what sober sense, / And calmest thought attest?"

— Jago, Richard (1715-1781)

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Date: 1771

"Great Nature! workmanship divine, / What human thought can trace thy line!"

— Colvill, Robert (d. 1788)

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Date: 1792

"They bade retentive memory on their mind / Impress each image, in distinctive lines / That mock'd erasure."

— Polwhele, Richard (1760-1838)

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Date: 1792

The Roman senators "ne'er essay'd to steal into the heart, / By painting to the feelings"

— Polwhele, Richard (1760-1838)

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Date: 1792

The Roman senators did "Not shew the mental portraiture itself, / By gradual art, thro' fancy's calmer light. / Pure passion dwells not on description's hues"

— Polwhele, Richard (1760-1838)

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Date: 1792

"Beyond the woody Tamar, fancy trac'd; / And, as she spread the glowing tint, it seem'd / No fairy picture: for young hope reliev'd / With golden rays each figure fancy drew"

— Polwhele, Richard (1760-1838)

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Date: 1796

"By Locke, true WIT is best defin'd, / Her pleasant pictures lure the mind; / Associations sudden rise, / And seize the fancy by surprise."

— Courtenay, John Lees (1775?-1794)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.