Date: 1659
"The Soul can neither impart to nor take away from the Matter of her Vehicle of Air any considerable degree of Motion, but yet can direct the particles moved which way she pleases by the Imperium of her Will."
preview | full record— More, Henry (1614-1687)
Date: 1659
"But the difficulty now is, whether that Humane shape that the Soul transforms her Vehicle into, be simply the effect of the Imperium of her Will over the Matter she actuates, or that her Will may be in some measure limited or circumscribed in its effect by a concomitant exertion of the Plastick ...
preview | full record— More, Henry (1614-1687)
Date: 1661
"What difference is there 'twixt a man and beast, / (None sure at all, or little to be guest) / If't wan't for Reason, and an immortal spark, / Which hides it self within his hollow Ark?"
preview | full record— Pordage, Samuel (bap. 1633, d. c. 1691)
Date: 1664
"But the source which produces these spirits is usually so abundant that they enter these cavities in sufficient quantity to have the force to push out against the surrounding matter and make it expand, thus tightening all the tiny nerve-fibres which come from it (in the way that a moderate wind ...
preview | full record— Descartes, René (1596-1650)
Date: 1664
"These things being thus premised, may it not be probable enough that these Spirits in the other World, shall onely be the Soul's Vehicle and Habit, and indeed really that [GREEK], mentioned by the Apostle; by a vital re-union with which, it may supereminently out-act all that ever she was able t...
preview | full record— Power, Henry (1623-1668)
Date: 1667
"Pray'r is a Coach which by the Spirit driven, / Hurries our Souls into the Courts of Heaven."
preview | full record— Billingsley, Nicholas (bap. 1633, d. 1709)
Date: 1667
Conscience is "the Souls Anchor"
preview | full record— Billingsley, Nicholas (bap. 1633, d. 1709)
Date: 1667
"But he that shipwracks a good Conscience shall / Let in great riches, but the Devil withal"
preview | full record— Billingsley, Nicholas (bap. 1633, d. 1709)
Date: 1673
Modest "is indeed a vertu of a general influence; does not only ballast the mind with sober and humble thoughts of ones self, but also steers every part of the outward frame."
preview | full record— Allestree, Richard (1611/2-1681)
Date: 1677
"O whither will my minde with wavering sail, / When a Disease shall over me prevail?"
preview | full record— Speed, Samuel (bap. 1633, d. 1679?)