Date: 1765
""Unwise, who, tossing on the watery way, / All to the storm th'unfetter'd sail devolve; / Man more unwise resigns the mental sway, / Born headlong on by passion's keen resolve."
preview | full record— Beattie, James (1735-1803)
Date: 1765, 1770
"When health and vigour swell'd my youthful veins, / Lust drew my carriage, Folly held the reins."
preview | full record— Thompson, Edward (1738-1786)
Date: 1766
"Should you but discompose the tide, / On which Ideas wont to ride, / Ferment it with a yeasty Storm, / Or with high Floods of Wine deform."
preview | full record— Lloyd, Evan (1734-1776)
Date: 1766
"Her tuneful tongue with eloquence and ease, / The golden merchandize of thought conveys; / Brisk fancy wafts it with her sprightly gales, / While judgment ballasts all the swelling sails."
preview | full record— Woodhouse, James (bap. 1735, d. 1820)
Date: 1767
"Man in this world, Sir, may be compared to a hackney-coach upon a stand; continually subject to be drawn by his unruly appetites, on one foolish jaunt or another; but you will say, if his appetites are horses, which as it were drag him along, reason is the coachman to rule those horses--But, Sir...
preview | full record— Bickerstaff, Isaac (b. 1733, d. after 1808)
Date: 1772
Fancy may "mount the rapid Car, / And Judgement hold the Reins"
preview | full record— Whyte, Samuel (1733-1811)
Date: 1772
"Thus, female Minds, with Knowlege fraught, / Are just and liberal Notions taught; / Through Wisdom's Glass their Foibles view'd, / Stand self-convicted, and subdued: / No more Caprice their Conduct rules; / No more the Prey of Rakes, and Fools; / Their Souls, with Truth and Honour charm'd, / Are...
preview | full record— Whyte, Samuel (1733-1811)
Date: 1773
"Strong Passions draw, like Horses that are strong, / The Body-Coach of Flesh and Blood along; / While subtle Reason, with each Rein in Hand, / Sits on the Box, and has them at Command; / Rais'd up aloft, to see and to be seen, / Judges the Track, and guides the gay Machine."
preview | full record— Byrom, John (1692-1763)
Date: 1773
"But was it made for nothing else beside / Passions to draw, and Reason to be Guide? / Was so much Art employ'd to drag and drive / Nothing within the Vehicle alive? / No seated Mind that claims the moving Pew, / Master of Passions, and of Reason too?"
preview | full record— Byrom, John (1692-1763)
Date: 1773
"They who are loud in human Reason's Praise, / And celebrate the Drivers of our Days, / Seem to suppose, by their continual Bawl, / That Passions, Reason, and Machine, is all / To them the Windows are drawn up, and clear / Nothing that does not outwardly appear."
preview | full record— Byrom, John (1692-1763)