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Date: 1995

But the Nudes are still as clear in my mind / as pieces of laundry that froze on the clothesline overnight."

— Carson, Anne (b. 1951)

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Date: 1995

"She has reversed the roles of thou and Thou / not as a display of power but to force out of herself some pity / for this soul trapped in glass, / which is her true creation."

— Carson, Anne (b. 1951)

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Date: 1996

"My mind went blank."

— Fielding, Helen (b. 1958)

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Date: 1997

"That the self is an immediate unity with itself, a Moebius-like entity, was an insight taken in several directions by thinkers after Fichte"

— Peters, John Durham

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Date: 1997

"Nevertheless, the memory lies like a weight upon him, the memory of the soft resistance of flesh and bone, and then the grinding"

— Coetzee, J. M. (b. 1940)

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Date: 1997

"The Loaf, the indispensible point of convergence upon every British table, the solid British Quartern Loaf, is like the Soul, Emptiness."

— Pynchon, Thomas (b. 1937)

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Date: 1997

"Nor might any left behind on the ground see her again,-- would they?-- passing above in the Sky, the sleeves of her garment now catching light like wings...her mind no more than that of a Kite, the Wind blowing through..."

— Pynchon, Thomas (b. 1937)

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Date: 1997

"A heart that's full up like a landfill / A job that slowly kills you / Bruises that won't heal."

— Radiohead [Thom Yorke, Jonny Greenwood, Ed O'Brien, Colin Greenwood, and Phil Selway]

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Date: 1998

"Jennifer Tilly plays Violet, a mob wife, prostitute, and femme with a steel-trap mind, and Gina Gershon plays Corky, Violet's ex-con lover."

— Halberstam, Jack [Judith] (b. 1961)

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Date: 1998

"He thinks and thinks, like his brain was a metal plate and hammer, striking, striking, striking, of the harbour of her sharp breasts, and is murdered, murdered."

— Barry, Sebastian (b. 1955)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.