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Date: 1753

"Come then, thou Cordial for sick Minds--Come to my Heart."

— Moore, Edward (1712-1757)

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Date: 1755

"Why did I not / Repent, while yet my Crimes were decibel! / Ere they had struck their Colours thro' my Soul, / As black as Night or Hell!"

— Brown, John (1715-1766)

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Date: Performed Dec 1756, published 1757

"These black weeds / Express the wonted colour of thy mind, / For ever dark and dismal."

— Home, John (1722-1808)

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Date: Performed Dec 1756, published 1757

"Time, that wears out the trace of deepest anguish, / As the sea smooths the prints made in the sand, / Has past o'er thee in vain."

— Home, John (1722-1808)

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Date: Performed Dec 1756, published 1757

"Angels and seraphs who delight in goodness! / Forsake your skies, and to her couch descend! / There from her fancy chace those dismal forms / That haunt her waking."

— Home, John (1722-1808)

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Date: Performed Dec 1756, published 1757

"Men's minds are temper'd, like their swords, for war."

— Home, John (1722-1808)

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Date: Performed Dec 1756, published 1757

"Within my bosom reigns another lord; / Honour, sole judge and umpire of itself."

— Home, John (1722-1808)

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Date: 1759

"Seek not thus / To multiply the ills that hover round you; / Nor from the stores of busy fancy add / New shafts to fortune's quiver."

— Murphy, Arthur (1727-1805)

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Date: 1759

"Fatal day! / More fatal e'en than that, which first beheld / This race accurs'd within these palace walls, / Since hope, that balm of wretched minds, is now / Irrevocably lost."

— Murphy, Arthur (1727-1805)

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Date: 1759

"Mark well my words--discolour not thy soul / With the black hue of crimes like his."

— Murphy, Arthur (1727-1805)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.