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Date: 1790

"Shining parts, like the bright colourings of porcelain, or the lustres of glass in a well furnished house, are beautiful decorations and striking ornaments; but good sense, like the solid service of plate, is alone substantial and intrinsically valuable."

— Moore, Charles (fl. 1785-90)

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Date: February 1791

"Montesquieu, President of the Parliament of Bordeaux, went as far as a writer under a despotic government could well proceed; and being obliged to divide himself between principle and prudence, his mind often appears under a veil, and we ought to give him credit for more than he has expressed."

— Paine, Thomas (1737-1809)

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Date: 1794

"Though it is not a direct article of the Christian system that this world that we inhabit is the whole of the habitable Creation, yet it is so worked up therewith, from what is called the Mosaic account of the creation, the story of Eve and the apple, and the counterpart of that story, the death...

— Paine, Thomas (1737-1809)

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Date: 1825

"What powers lie folded in thy curious frame,-- / Senses from objects locked, and mind from thought! "

— Barbauld, Anna Letitia [née Aikin] (1743-1825)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.