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Date: 1699

"Then th' Understanding without pain did climb: / Capacious, Active, Lively, and Sublime, / Clear as fair Fountains, and as pure as they, / Chast as the Morn, and open as the day."

— Pomfret, John (1667-1702)

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Date: 1699

"Love then, that sweet procession of the Mind, / Was from all Dross, and Earthly Dreggs refin'd."

— Pomfret, John (1667-1702)

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Date: 1699

"We do plainly perceive that our Bodies are clogs to our Minds: And all the use that even the purest sort of Body in an Estate conceived to be glorified, can be of to a Mind, is to be an Instrument of local Motion, or to be a repository of Ideas for Memory and Imagination."

— Burnet, Gilbert (1643-1715)

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Date: 1699

"They infer, That besides the outward Enlightening of a Man by Knowledge, there is an inward Enlightening of the Mind, and a secret forcible conviction stampt on it."

— Burnet, Gilbert (1643-1715)

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Date: 1699

"My Friendship even yet does balance Passion; but throw in the least grain more of an affront, and by Heaven you turn the Scale."

— Farquhar, George (1676/7-1707)

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Date: 1700

"We our selves are Figures of God, being Images of him: And what is an Image but the Figure or Sign of a Thing?"

— Leslie, Charles (1650-1722)

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Date: 1700

"Now if the Soul, which is but an Image of God, at an Infinite distance, can communicate it self to several Members, without breach of its Unity; why should it be Impossible for the Eternal and Infinite Mind to communicate it self to several Persons, without breach of its Unity; I will be bold to...

— Leslie, Charles (1650-1722)

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Date: 1700

"He blinds the wise, gives eyesight to the blind, / And moulds and stamps anew the lover's mind."

— Dryden, John (1631-1700)

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Date: 1700

"This Commission, Madam, was my Pasport to the Fair; adding a nobleness to my Passion, it stampt a value on my Love"

— Farquhar, George (1676/7-1707)

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Date: 1700

"Her Night-gown hanging loose, discover’d her charming Bosom, which cou’d bear no Name, but Transport, Wonder and Extasy, all which struck his Soul, as soon as the Object hit his Eye; her Breasts with an easy Heaving, show’d the Smoothness of her Soul and of her Skin; their Motions were so langui...

— Behn, Aphra (1640?-1689)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.