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Date: 1702

"Love join'd their Souls, and Heav'n seal'd each Heart"

— Sedley, Sir Charles (1639-1701)

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Date: 1704

"Wherefore consecrate the first Fruits of Reason to God; you can't begin the Practice of Piety too soon, but may be too late; Nature untainted with Vice may be wrought with ease into any Form, and cast in any Mould"

— Darrell, William (1651-1721)

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Date: 1704

"It's a kind of tabula rasa, a Blank, that almost with the same Facility receives the Characters of Angel, and of Devil; but when once it's stained with Sin, when it's by-assed by ill Habits, and worse Principles, you will find it stubborn and rebellious."

— Darrell, William (1651-1721)

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Date: 1704

Adam "knew what every thing was at the first sight, and what its Natural Powers and Properties were; which could not be from External Impressions, in which way at best nothing can be known without long Observation, and many Experiments, and a Train of Reasonings; and therefore must be from Connat...

— Sherlock, William (1639/40-1707)

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Date: 1729

"E'en not all these, in one rich lot combined, / Can make the happy man, without the mind; / Where judgment sits clear-sighted, and surveys / The chain of reason with unerring gaze; / Where fancy lives, and to the brightening eyes, / His fairer scenes, and bolder figures rise; / Where social lov...

— Thomson, James (1700-1748)

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Date: 1732

"Distrest by a confused Medley of thinking, she threw herself carelesly on a Couch, where amid a Chaos of Reflection, she slept, if, we can properly be said to sleep, (when the Mind fir'd by warring Passions, dreams 'em o'er again) the Chamber Door had but negligently fell too, for the unthinking...

— Boyd, Elizabeth (fl. 1727-1745)

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Date: 1736, 1743

"But Care no Desert can exclude, / We haunt ourselves in Solitude."

— Wesley, Samuel, the Younger (1691-1739)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.