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Date: March 24, 2011

"It is like finding that cheese depends on chalk--that soul depends on matter."

— McGinn, Colin (b. 1950)

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Date: June 14, 2011

"According to this view, bias, lack of logic and other supposed flaws that pollute the stream of reason are instead social adaptations that enable one group to persuade (and defeat) another."

— Cohen, Patricia

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Date: October 7, 2011

"In the wayward note, the bumps and curves of the author's mind seem to be laid plain on the paper."

— Horowitz, Alexandra

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Date: April 25, 2011

"If Eagleman's body bears no marks of his childhood accident, his mind has been deeply imprinted by it."

— Bilger, Burkhard

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Date: November 2011

"I had been a hero-worshiper of his since being zapped by his writing, the closest my brain has come to hosting a meteor shower."

— Wolcott, James (b. 1952)

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Date: March 11, 2011

"The huge submerged bulk of the mental iceberg, with its stores of memory and acquired skills that have become automatic, like language, driving and etiquette, supplies people with the raw materials on which they can exercise their reason and decide what to think and what to do."

— Nagel, Thomas (b. 1937)

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Date: October 31, 2011

"It does so amid a cacophony of competing voices, the neural equivalent of open outcry at the Chicago Board of Trade."

— Carey, Benedict (b. 1960)

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Date: October 31, 2011

"The brain’s cacophony of competing voices feels coherent because some module or network somewhere in the left hemisphere is providing a running narration."

— Carey, Benedict (b. 1960)

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Date: March 9, 2012

"If we acquire a bad habit this way it is very hard to change, because its grooves are so well worn in our minds."

— Wilson, Timothy D.

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Date: May 3, 2012

"A brain is not a computer. We are not blank hard drives waiting to be filled with data."

— Brooks, David (b. 1961)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.