Date: 1725
"The under Passions may, by their various Operations, cause some Diversity in the Colour and Complexion of the Whole, but 'tis the Master-Passion which must determine the Character."
preview | full record— Gally, Henry (bap. 1696, d. 1769)
Date: 1726
"If this be the Case, it dictates the Necessity of early Education of Children, in whom, not the Soul only but the organick Powers are, as a Lump of soft Wax, which is always ready to receive any Impression; but if harden'd, grow callous, and stubborn, and like what we call Sealing-Wax, obstinate...
preview | full record— Defoe, Daniel (1660?-1731)
Date: September 10, 1726
"To explain this, we must consider that the first Image which an outward Object imprints on our Brain is very slight; it resembles a thin Vapour which dwindles into nothing, without leaving the least track after it. But if the same Object successively offers itself several times, the Image it occ...
preview | full record— Arbuckle, James (d. 1742)
Date: September 10, 1726
"Now, according to my supposition, there being no active intelligent Being, who, by his Presence and Superintendency, governs and directs the Course of those vagabond Images, every thing in the Brain resembles the fortuitous concourse of Atoms."
preview | full record— Arbuckle, James (d. 1742)
Date: September 10, 1726
"Two Images meet, and unite to each other; these two meeting with a third, it unites to them in the same manner: and this Meeting and Union continuing for some time, at last occasions a most monstrous Aggregation, very like the Chaos of the Poet, where 'Frigida cum calidis pugnant, humentia sicci...
preview | full record— Arbuckle, James (d. 1742)
Date: September 10, 1726
"These united Images do sometimes separate from each other with the same facility they had joined, just like the fashionable way of marrying among the Quality; at other times, they maintain themselves in their Union, like poor Folks, without ever getting asunder; especially when this Union is the...
preview | full record— Arbuckle, James (d. 1742)
Date: September 17, 1726
"This Train of Images continually revolv'd in our young Parson's Brain; and to preserve them from being jostled out by any intruding Foreigners, who might dispossess the Original Orthodox Inhabitants, the first Link of the Chain was rivetted by Pride, and the two last closed up by those two insep...
preview | full record— Arbuckle, James (d. 1742)
Date: September 17, 1726
"I Need not expatiate upon other Characters; for I have too good an Opinion of your Readers, to doubt of their beginning now to be sensible that most Men speak and act but from a fortuitous Concourse of Images, or a Train of them stored up in the Brain."
preview | full record— Arbuckle, James (d. 1742)
Date: 1727
"The Characters Engraven on each, would be much the same, Deriv'd from those Sensations, which are Common to all; since according to this Philosophy, what is Originally Writ upon our Minds, is from our Conversation with External Objects, and then Reflecting upon the Operations of the Faculties an...
preview | full record— Greene, Robert (c. 1678-1730)
Date: 1727
"For it's whole Systeme Aims at this, to make the Furniture of every Person's Mind Alike, their Reason and Faculties the same, and which Garniture, after it has made it a Rasa Tabula, must be of it's own Supplying; 'Tis an Empty Room, without any Thing to Set if off or Adorn it, till this Philoso...
preview | full record— Greene, Robert (c. 1678-1730)