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Date: 1746

Science, "pranked in tissued vest," is dressed by Reason, Pride and Fancy and comes like a bride to wed Doubt

— Collins, William (1721-1759)

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Date: 1746

"Deep to the root / Of vegetation parch'd, the cleaving fields / And slippery lawn an arid hue disclose, / Blast Fancy's bloom, and wither e'en the soul."

— Thomson, James (1700-1748)

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Date: 1746

"For lofty sense, / Creative fancy, and inspection keen / Through the deep windings of the human heart, / Is not wild Shakespeare thine and Nature's boast?"

— Thomson, James (1700-1748)

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Date: 1746, 1753

"The SOUL, inhabiting the Brain, or acting, where it doubtless does, immediately behind the Optic Nerves, stamps, instantaneously upon the Eye, and Eyebrow, a struck Image of conceiv'd Idea: And that in Fact it does This, and that it does it, in the very Instant of Conception, every Man must ever...

— Hill, Aaron (1685-1750)

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Date: 1746, 1753

"E'er sense, impress'd, reflects adopted forms, / And changeful nature shakes, with borrow'd storms: / E'er ductile genius turns, as passions wind, / And bends, to fancy's curve, the pliant mind."

— Hill, Aaron (1685-1750)

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Date: 1746, 1753

"Fear is elusive sorrow, shunning pain; / Active--yet, stop'd--it dims the doubtful brain; / Spirit snatch'd inward, stagnating, by dread, / Slow, thro' the limbs, crawls cold, the living lead: / Form'd to the look, that moulds th' assumer's face, / His joints catch tremblings--life's moist strin...

— Hill, Aaron (1685-1750)

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Date: 1746, 1753

"As in pale churchyards, gleam'd by silent night, / Shou'd some cross'd spectre shade the moon's dim light, / Shudd'ry, the back'ning blood, revolving swift, / Cloggs the press'd heart--stretch'd fibres fail to lift: / Lost, in doubt's hard'ning frost--stopt motion lies, / While sense climbs, gra...

— Hill, Aaron (1685-1750)

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Date: 1746

Scenes of ruin may roll within the breast

— Ruffhead, James

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Date: 1746

"In ev'ry science, myst'ry, form, and art / Betrays the mask, and shows the double heart"

— Ruffhead, James

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Date: 1746

Man may be sway'd by his passions and employ his reason as "the sly pimp and pander of his joys"

— Ruffhead, James

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.