Date: 1785
Silence is the "Refuge of tender hearts must fear mixing "With the mad multitude, where passions fell, / And strangers to their bosom, enter wild, / Like Sin and Death in Paradise, to jar / On the soft music of according souls!"
preview | full record— Pratt, Samuel Jackson [pseud. Courtney Melmoth] (1749-1814)
Date: 1790
"Your zeal for the Czar hurries you to an inhumanity, that I thought a stranger to the breast of my gentle Michaelhoff."
preview | full record— O'Keeffe, John (1747-1833)
Date: 1792
"Two minds in one, and each a truceless guest, / Rending the sphere of our distracted breast!"
preview | full record— Brooke, Henry (c. 1703-1783)
Date: 1798
"A woman, with sentiments as pure, as refined, and as delicate, as ever inhabited a human heart!"
preview | full record— Godwin, William (1756-1836)
Date: 1805
"Alas! when ev'ry Muse is fled, / How wretched He who writes for bread! / Who, when the joyous years are flown, / And Reason totters on her throne, / And Fancy fails, and Nature tires, / And Fame herself no more inspires, / And ev'n the sweet return of Spring / No more can make the Poet sing, / T...
preview | full record— Pratt, Samuel Jackson [pseud. Courtney Melmoth] (1749-1814)
Date: 1807-8
"So minds debas'd can torture gen'rous acts: / And thus, by terrors haunted, hunger-pinch'd, / Hag-ridden by the demon at their hearts, / Suspicious, tost from thought to thought, they watch'd / The lagging hours of night"
preview | full record— Burges, Sir James Bland (1752-1824)
Date: 1815
"Fancy will sometimes take the lead / And play its part in Reason's stead."
preview | full record— Combe, William (1742 -1823)