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Date: 1968

"This is, I think, perfectly correct. The little man [in one's head], as we might say, has in his library pamphlets entitled 'Tying One's Shoes', 'Speaking Latin', and 'Typing 'Afghanistan"', but no pamphlet entitled 'Being Intelligent' or 'Speaking Latin Fluently' or 'Typing "Afghanistan" with P...

— Fodor, Jerry (b. 1935)

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Date: 1979

"There's a party in my mind...And it never stops / There's a party up there all the time."

— Byrne, David (b. 1952) and Jerry Harrison (b. 1949) [Talking Heads]

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Date: 1980

"The back of the mind is a small hotel / And when the residents go on picnics / Or take buckets and spades down to the sea / The betrayals begin."

— Longley, Michael (b. 1939)

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Date: 1984

"Like, I own your brain and what you know, but your thoughts have Swiss citizenship."

— Gibson, William (b. 1948)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.