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Date: 2010

"Such is the power of zombie ideas."

— Quiggin, John (b. 1956)

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Date: 2010

"I underestimated the speed and power of Zombie ideas."

— Quiggin, John (b. 1956)

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Date: 2010

"Still, given the overwhelming evidence that social mobility in the United States is low by standards of developed countries and decreasing steadily, the task of reanimating this zombie idea looks like a difficult one."

— Quiggin, John (b. 1956)

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Date: 2010

"Perhaps if the political left is willing to return to class politics (something the right-wing advocates of trickle-down have never abandoned) it might at least find a way to drive this zombie idea out of the assumed background of political debate."

— Quiggin, John (b. 1956)

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Date: 2010

"With the national exemplars of comprehensive privatization in disarray, and its advocates in full retreat, it seems unlikely that this zombie idea will return from the grave any time soon."

— Quiggin, John (b. 1956)

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Date: 2010

"The zombie ideas discussed in this book are similarly resilient."

— Quiggin, John (b. 1956)

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Date: 2010

"The Global Financial Crisis gives the economics profession the chance to bury the zombie ideas that led the world into crisis, and to produce a more realistic, humble, and above all socially useful body of thought."

— Quiggin, John (b. 1956)

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Date: March 24, 2011

"It [neurology] has all the fascination of a horror story--the Jekyll of the mind bound for life to the Hyde of the brain."

— McGinn, Colin (b. 1950)

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Date: June 14, 2011

"Rationality, by this yardstick (and irrationality too, but we’ll get to that) is nothing more or less than a servant of the hard-wired compulsion to triumph in the debating arena."

— Cohen, Patricia

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Date: September 5, 2011

"He [Derek Parfit] pictures his thinking self as a government minister sitting behind a large desk, who writes a question on a piece of paper and puts it in his out-tray. The minister then sits idly at the desk, twiddling his thumbs, while in some back room civil servants labor furiously, come up...

— MacFarquhar, Larissa

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.