Date: 1784
"Oh! spare me, Julia--look on me as I am, an alter'd man--peace has been a stranger to my bosom, and remorse and sorrow my constant companions, since we parted"
preview | full record— Andrews, Miles Peter (1742-1814)
Date: May 18, 1782, 1785
"Oh, that every heart was like mine, a stranger to dissimulation!"
preview | full record— Pilon, Frederick (1750-1788)
Date: 1789
"How far am I raised above a girl educated among antelopes; a girl, whose heart must ever be a stranger to love!"
preview | full record— Jones, Sir William (1746-1794)
Date: 1790
"Your zeal for the Czar hurries you to an inhumanity, that I thought a stranger to the breast of my gentle Michaelhoff."
preview | full record— O'Keeffe, John (1747-1833)
Date: 1794
"To each heart pale fear's a stranger, / Honour bids us to the fight."
preview | full record— Kemble, John Philip (1757-1823)
Date: 1794
"True Madam! But how hard to feign a merriment to which the heart's a stranger!"
preview | full record— Dudley, Sir Henry Bate (1745-1824)
Date: 1795, 1796
"But, hear, Louisa--a thought, just now, vast and immense as my own boundless passion, crowds on my troubled mind."
preview | full record— Timaeus, J. J. (1763-1809); Friedrich von Schiller (1759-1805)
Date: 1798
"To the heart which love inhabits, fear is a stranger and vice a cast-off menial."
preview | full record— Render, William (fl. 1790-1801); August Friedrich Ferdinand von Kotzebue (1761-1819)
Date: 1799
"Kourakin will be happy with the object of his wishes!--a blessing, to which my heart must be a stranger"
preview | full record— Hoare, Prince (1755-1834); Comtesse de Genlis (1737-1793)