Date: 1757
"Their root strikes deeper into the mind, and springs from the essential and universal properties of human nature."
preview | full record— Hume, David (1711-1776)
Date: 1831
"We spurn at the bounds of time and space; nor would the thought be less futile that imagines to imprison the mind within the limits of the body, than the attempt of the booby clown who is said within a thick hedge to have plotted to shut in the flight of an eagle"
preview | full record— Godwin, William (1756-1836)
Date: 1831
"There are a multitude of causes that will produce a miscarriage of this sort, where the richest soil, impregnated with the choicest seeds of learning and observation, shall entirely fail to present us with such a crop as might rationally have been anticipated"
preview | full record— Godwin, William (1756-1836)
Date: 1989
"Like trees similar in their gross physical profile, brains can be similar in their gross functional profiles while being highly idiosyncratic in the myriad details of their fine-grained arborization."
preview | full record— Churchland, Paul (b. 1942)