Date: w. 1628, published in 1684, 1701
"But I am convinced that certain primary seeds of truth naturally implanted in human minds thrived vigorously in that unsophisticated and innocent age - seeds which have been stifled in us through our constantly reading and hearing all sorts of errors"
preview | full record— Descartes, René (1596-1650)
Date: 1686, 1689, 1697
"How doth Reason exert it self by little and little, what Helps and Arts are there us'd to make the Flower open and shew it self to the World?"
preview | full record— Nourse, Timothy (c.1636–1699)
Date: w. 1687 [published 1907]
"Yet potent Nature frankly has bestow'd / Such various gifts amongst the mingl'd Crowd, */ That I believe, the dullest of the kind, / Wou'd he but Husband and Manure his Mind,* / Might find some Exce'llence there, which well-improv'd / At home might make him Pleas'd, in public Lov'd."
preview | full record— Prior, Matthew (1664-1721)
Date: 1687
"At this enrag'd, the injur'd Deity / Chose out the best of his Artillery, / And in a blooming Virgin's Dove-like Eyes / He planted his Victorious Batteries; / (Phillis her Name, the best of Woman-kind, / Could Love have gain'd the Empire of her Mind) / These shot so furiously against my Heart, /...
preview | full record— Cutts, John, Baron Cutts of Gowran (1660/1-1707)
Date: 1690, 1694, 1695, 1700, 1706
"In all these cases, Ideas in the Mind, quickly fade, and often vanish quite out of the Understanding, leaving no more footsteps or remaining Characters of themselves, than Shadows do flying over fields of Corn; and the Mind is as void of them, as if they never had been there."
preview | full record— Locke, John (1632-1704)
Date: 1691
"Thirdly, Let us hence duly learn to prize and value our Souls; is the Body such a rare Piece, what this is the Soul? the Body is but the Husk or Shell, the Soul is the Kernel; the Body is but the Cask, the Soul the precious Liquor contained in it; the Body is but the Cabinet; the Soul the Jewel;...
preview | full record— Ray [formerly Wray], John (1627–1705)
Date: 1691
"If Old and New i'th Brain together crowd, / How is it Room and Peace is them allow'd? /How do they and their Equipages come? /For if Material, they must take up room. / And tract of Time would hoard up such a Crop, / The crowded Atoms would the Channels stop, / And choke the Passages of Vision up."
preview | full record— Heyrick, Thomas (bap. 1649. d. 1694)
Date: 1691
"I cannot conceive the true Cause hereof [that Men of Learning are uncouth in their discourse], unless it be, that as Plants are Choakt by over-much Moisture, and Lamps are Stifl'd with too much Oil; so are the Actions of the Mind overwhelm'd by over-abundance of Matter and Study."
preview | full record— Blount, Thomas Pope, Sir (1649-1697)
Date: Licens'd Decemb. 22. 1691
"His Incognita was rooted in his Heart, yet could he not Comfort himself with any Hopes when he should see her."
preview | full record— Congreve, William (1670-1729)
Date: 1692
"I have, 'tis true, but to no purpose, retir'd to Oxford, to see if Books, and learned men would bring me any Relief, but I find Philosophy is of no power to root out a Passion that is once admitted, whatever it may to defend us from an Invasion."
preview | full record— Gildon, Charles (1665-1724)