Date: 1862
"Thy present ill with pictures of the past / Is oft beguiled; so fresh the colours last / In thy mind 's mirror pure, at will display'd"
preview | full record— Strong, Charles (1785-1864)
Date: 1863
"May, united, love and duty / In my bosom be enshrined, / And reflect each other's beauty / In the mirror of my mind."
preview | full record— Daniel, George (1789-1864)
Date: 1868
"And images, that, in the musing mind, / As in a placid lake, lie mirrored and defined, / If ruffling winds along the surface stray, / Scatter'd and broken, pass like rack away"
preview | full record— Lyte, Henry Francis (1793-1847)
Date: 1870
"All her loveliness / Is Beauty's reflex, when she mirror proves / To man's o'erruling mind, whose powër moves / Upon her aspect,"
preview | full record— Heraud, John Abraham (1799-1887)
Date: 1870
One may be "An honest earnest soul sincere, / An independent spirit true, / Whose mind was as a mirror clear, / And from the world no shadow knew"
preview | full record— Heraud, John Abraham (1799-1887)
Date: 1873
"There thou sittest in thy wonted corner / Lone and awful in thy darkened mind."
preview | full record— Lowell, James Russell (1819-1891)
Date: 1876
"What art thou, Mind, that mirror'st things unseen, / Giv'st to the dead the smiles which erst they wore, / And lift'st the veil which fate hath cast between / Thee and the forms which are not, but have been?"
preview | full record— Elliott, Ebenezer (1781-1849)
Date: 1876
"His hands were raised on high-- / As, mirrored on his mystic mind, / Arose futurity"
preview | full record— Hogg, James (1770-1835)
Date: 1785, 1881
"Brehm his own Mind survey'd, / As mortal eyes (thus finite we compare / With infinite) in smoothest mirrors gaze"
preview | full record— Jones, Sir William (1746-1794)
Date: 1900
"But thought that strives to reunite / In polished facets of the mind / The broken colours of the light / Baffled in mists of human kind."
preview | full record— Money-Coutts, Francis Burdett Thomas, 5th Lord Latimer (1852-1923)