Date: From Tuesd. Sept. 13. to Thursd. Sept. 15. 1709
"The Strings of the Heart, which are to be touched to give us Compassion, are not so played on but by the finest Hand."
preview | full record— Steele, Sir Richard (1672-1729)
Date: 1710, 1714
"For the understanding here must have its mark, its characteristic note, by which it may be distinguished."
preview | full record— Cooper, Anthony Ashley, third earl of Shaftesbury (1671-1713)
Date: 1710, 1734
There are ideas in the mind of God, "which are so many marks or notes that direct him how to produce sensations in our minds" just as a musician uses notes to produce a tune.
preview | full record— Berkeley, George (1685-1753)
Date: 1710, 1714
"The Moral Artist, who can thus imitate the Creator, and is thus knowing in the inward Form and Structure of his Fellow-Creature, will hardly, I presume, be found unknowing in Himself, or at a loss in those Numbers which make the Harmony of a Mind."
preview | full record— Cooper, Anthony Ashley, third earl of Shaftesbury (1671-1713)
Date: 1715
"And the only Conception we can form of voluntary Motion is, that the Mind, like a skillful Musician, strikes upon the Nerve which conveys Animal Spirits to the Muscle to be contracted, and adds a greater Force than the natural to the nervous Juice"
preview | full record— Cheyne, George (1671-1743)
Date: 1724
"The Soul resides eminently in the Brain, where all the Nervous Fibres terminate inwardly, like a Musician by a well-tuned Instrument, which has Keys within, on which it may play, and without, on which other Persons and Bodies may also play."
preview | full record— Cheyne, George (1671-1743)
Date: 1724
"One Law of the Action of the Soul on the Body, & vice versa, seems to be, That upon such and such Motions produced in the Musical Instrument of the Body, such and such Sensations should arise in the Mind; and on such and such Actions of the Soul, such and such Motions in the Body should ensue; m...
preview | full record— Cheyne, George (1671-1743)
Date: 1724
"Since the Mind resides, as has been said, in the common Sensory, like a skilful Musician. by a well-tuned Instrument; if the Organ be found, duly tempered, and exactly adjusted, answering and corresponding with the Actions of the Musician, the Musick will be distinct, agreeable and harmonious."
preview | full record— Cheyne, George (1671-1743)
Date: Monday, August 24. 1724
"There is more Harmony, in Love, than in Musick: A Harmony! like that which the old Philosophers imputed to the Spheres! Only Two Spheres are acted; by one, and the same, Intelligence. For the Strings of Two Hearts sympathize, like those of Two Lutes, with correspondent Trepidations."
preview | full record— Hill, Aaron (1685-1750)
Date: 1725
"The Features of every single Passion must be known; the Relation which that Passion bears to another, must be discover’d; and the Harmony and Discord which result from them must be felt."
preview | full record— Gally, Henry (bap. 1696, d. 1769)