Date: 1759
"That is, let not great Examples, or Authorities, browbeat thy Reason into too great a diffidence of thyself: Thyself so reverence as to prefer the native growth of thy own mind to the richest import from abroad; such borrowed riches make us poor."
preview | full record— Young, Edward (bap. 1683, d. 1765)
Date: 1759
"So Thoughts, when become too common, should lose their Currency; and we should send new metal to the Mint, that is, new meaning to the Press."
preview | full record— Young, Edward (bap. 1683, d. 1765)
Date: January 12, 1760
"To fix deeply in the mind the principles of science, to settle their limitations, and deduce the long succession of their consequences; to comprehend the whole compass of complicated systems, with all the arguments, objections, and solutions, and to reposite in the intellectual treasury the numb...
preview | full record— Johnson, Samuel (1709-1784)
Date: 1762
"The pleasure of a train of ideas, is the most remarkable in a reverie; especially where the imagination interposes, and is active in coining new ideas, which is done with wonderful facility."
preview | full record— Home, Henry, Lord Kames (1696-1782)
Date: 1767
"It may be easily conceived therefore, that an original Poetic Genius, possessing such innate treasure (if we may be allowed an unphilosophical expression) has no use for that which is derived from books, since he may be encumbered, but cannot be inriched by it; for though the chief merit of ordi...
preview | full record— Duff, William (1732-1815)
Date: 1771
"That is, let not great examples, or authorities, browbeat they reason into too great a diffidence fo thyself: thyself so reverence, as to prefer the native growth of thy own mind to the richest import from abroad; such borrowed riches make us poor."
preview | full record— Author Unknown
Date: 1777
"Good sense is a bank-bill, convenient for change, negotiable at all times, and current in all places."
preview | full record— More, Hannah (1745-1833)
Date: 1777
"The questions would seem to answer themselves, and may be left to Lord North himself, if he has not altogether abandoned the sterling currency of Idea and Language (the reverse of his conduct with regard to the coin) and has not folded up, for ever and for ever, the un-corporational rectitude an...
preview | full record— Philadelphos, Theophilos (fl. 1777)
Date: 1781
"How solidly he establishes, in Opposition to the celebrated Mr. Locke, the Doctrine of Innate Ideas; or that the Soul of Man, is not in its first created State, a mere Rasa Tabula, or blank Paper, but full of divine Sensations, and the Powers, Riches and Glories of Eternity; all treasured up and...
preview | full record— Anonymous; [L--]
Date: 1782
"Mine and Mrs. Sancho's thanks for your genteel present attend you, Mrs. W--, and the worthy circle round!--may every year be productive of new happiness in the fullest sense of true wisdom--the riches of the heart and mind!"
preview | full record— Sancho, Charles Ignatius (1729-1780)