Date: 1708
"You know, Lavinia, once I lov'd you well; / Nor has your Crimes yet chang'd my Heart to Steel."
preview | full record— Ward, Edward (1667-1731)
Date: 1710, 1714
"Thus I contend with Fancy and Opinion; and search the Mint and Foundery of Imagination. For here the Appetites and Desires are fabricated. Hence they derive their Privilege and Currency. If I can stop the Mischief here, and prevent false Coinage; I am safe."
preview | full record— Cooper, Anthony Ashley, third earl of Shaftesbury (1671-1713)
Date: 1717
"Some livelier Spark of Heav'n, and more refin'd / From earthly Dross, fills the great Poet's Mind."
preview | full record— Duke, Richard (1658-1711)
Date: 1720
"How savage must he be to learn such Ill! / And sure his very Soul it self was Steel."
preview | full record— Dart, John (d. 1730); Tibullus (c. 54-19 B.C.)
Date: 1720
"O'er steely Breasts, oft soothing Prayers prevail"
preview | full record— Dart, John (d. 1730); Tibullus (c. 54-19 B.C.)
Date: 1731
"Such! as the softest Bosom steels!"
preview | full record— Ogle, George (1704-1746); Joannes Secundus Nicolaius
Date: 1733-1735
"Her Heart must be harder than Steel / Not to soften with such a soft Muse"
preview | full record— Bowden, Samuel (fl. 1733-1761)
Date: 1742
"[H]e bewailed her Loss with Groans, which would have pierced any Heart but those which are possessed by some People, and are made of a certain Composition not unlike Flint in its Hardness and other Properties; for you may strike Fire from them which will dart through the Eyes, but they can never...
preview | full record— Fielding, Henry (1707-1754)
Date: 1742
"He had never contracted a Debt in his Life, and was consequently the less ready at an Expedient to extricate himself. Tow-wouse was willing to give him Credit 'till next time, to which Mrs. Tow-wouse would probably have consented (for such was Joseph's Beauty, that it had ma...
preview | full record— Fielding, Henry (1707-1754)
Date: w. 1742-1750, 1803
"Ne ought with him availeth sexe or age; / Ne hoary elde, ne tender infant's cries / Can melt his iron heart in any wise"
preview | full record— Cambridge, Richard Owen (1717-1802)